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Kriegspire: City Map

1.Tavern: The Broken Promise (fills for 20 days)
2.Fountain: +30 level temporary
3.Training: Lone Tree Training
4.NPC: heals and cures party once a day, takes 50% of gold -- what a joke!
5.NPC: +4 points to merchant and diplomacy skills, takes 5% of gold.
6.Weapons: Knight's Paradise
7.NPC: +5 points to luck and takes 1% gold.
8.NPC: casts Heroism once a day at master level and takes 3% gold.
9.Fountain: drops you right into the middle of the Castle Kriegspire dungeon.
10.Fountain: +10 permanent magic resistance, Eradicates character
11.Emil Lime
the Enchanter gives you the [Find Egg Quest].
12.Armor: Armorworks
13.NPC: all map crossings one day faster, takes 1% gold
14.Fire Tower
15.NPC: +10% experience, takes 3% gold
16.General Stores: Unusual Enchantments
17.Stables: King's Highway [Travel Schedule]
18.NPC: cures party once a day, takes 20% gold
19.Fountain: trades 5,000 gold into 5,000 experience
20.NPC: +15% experience, takes 7% gold
21.NPC: +4 points to diplomacy, takes 2% gold
22.Unknown Stone Tower
23.Expert Light Magic

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This Page was last updated on in the year of 1998.