HFC Quote/Tagline of the Month:

"You know what lives in the shadows now. You may never get another night's sleep as long as you live."

Dog Soldiers (2002)

Newest reviews:

Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968)
Them! (1954)
Severance (2006)
The Abandoned (2006)
30 Days of Night (2007)
Right to Die (2006)
Invasion (2007)
Island of Terror (1966)

Updated reviews:

Horror of Dracula (1958)
Brides of Dracula (1960)
The Mothman Prophecies (2002)
Pick Me Up (2005)
Pro-Life (2006)
1408 (2007)

Newest essays and such:

Rish interviews Dan Myrick and Comic-Con 2007

Ahh, the horror movie. There's nothing quite like it. As a kid, I was endlessly fascinated with the frightening or horrible, and was drawn to this genre more than any other. Though tyranist and I had dissimilar childhoods, when we started to hang out in school, we rubbed off on each other: I introduced him to the world of Horror and evil, he introduced me to literacy and eating with utensils.

There's nothing we love more than a good horror movie (although bad horror movies and Cherry flavored Icees are a close second for me). We live for a bowl of popcorn and a stack of videos for a weekend, or the pleasure of sitting in an audience watching a midnight showing of Friday the 13th.

There are hundreds of horror movie sites out there, so we've decided on a little different tack. We present you reviews that contain our most basic reaction to the movie and then list all of the traditional horror film elements that we found in the movie. One Skull by the element means it can be found within and two Skulls mean that it was overused or poorly used.

Years ago, the movie Scream led us to a conversation about horror film conventions, which led to a game, which led to making a list, which led to the website you're reading now. Now, with over 666 reviews under our belt, and 300 uses of the word "crap," there's no end in sight. Thanks for joining us.

Rish Outfield            tyranist

Thanks to everyone who emailed us for the HFC Zombie Movie Giveaway. The giveaway is now closed and we'll notify the winners shortly.

To access the reviews select a navigation method from the bar above. More specialized content such as essays, personality lists, and our own private festival details available in the Special Collections area. For our spoiler disclaimer, definitions of what a Skull means, and more information on the two of us, click on one of the buttons below.

When there's no more room in Hell, the traffic's sure gonna suck.

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Pages maintained by the tyranist and Rish Outfield who can be contacted at horrorfilmcompendium@gmail.com. Be well.

All original material copyright THE HORROR FILM COMPENDIUM
Banned by the State of Utah for GRUESOME CONTENT
Damning immortal souls to hell since June 18th, 1998