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Software Download

Product File Size Remark
PU-i386SX-40 asc3865.rom 64KB BIOS for PU-i386SX-40 (Y2K Compliance)
PU-i486SL-40 asc3865.rom 64KB BIOS for PU-i486SL-40 (Y2K Compliance)
PU-i386XC-40 ugh3865.rom 64KB BIOS for PU-i386XC-40 (Y2K Compliance)
PU-i486XC-40 ugh3865.rom 64KB BIOS for PU-i486XC-40 (Y2K Compliance)
PM-i386XC-40 i386vx5.rom 64KB BIOS for PM-i386XC-40 (Y2K Compliance)
PM-i486XC-40 i386vx5.rom 64KB BIOS for PM-i486XC-40 (Y2K Compliance)
PU-i486DX-S4 ugf4865.rom 128KB BIOS for PU-i486DX-S4 (Y2K Compliance)
PI-IO48A pi-io48.exe  Software for the PI-IO48(A)
A/D D/A Cardsaddazip.exe  A/D D/A Software Library
A/D D/A Cardsreadme.txt  Readme for A/D D/A Software Library
A/D D/A Cardsaddalbtk.exe Labtech Notebook drivers
A/D D/A Cardsreadme.txt  Readme for Labtech notebook driver
XU-i088(A) xu-io88.exe  Software for the XU-IO88(A)
XC-2285(A) xc-2285.exe  Software for the XC-2285(A)
PX-iCOM px-icom.exe  Software for the PX-ICOM
PX-2285(A) px-2285.exe  Software for the PX-2285(A)
PK-55160(A) pk-55160.exe Software for the PK-55160(A)
PK-55160(A) readme.txt  Readme.txt for the PK-55160(A)
PK-2464 pk-2464.exe  Software for the PK-2464
PK-2464 readme.txt  Readme.txt for the PK-2464
PM-7008 pm-7008.exe  Software for the PM-7008 Virtual Disk card
PM-8002 pm-8002.exe  Software for the PM-8002 Virtual Disk card
PM-8008/8028 pm-80x8.exe  Software for the PM-80x8 Virtual Disk cards
PM-8008/8028 readme.txt  Readme.txt for the PM-80x8
PM-9008(A) pm-9008.exe  Software for the PM-9008(A) Virtual Disk card
PM-9008(A) readme.txt  Readme.txt for the PM-9008(A)
PM-i386 pm-i386.exe  PM-i386 Virtial Disk programming
PM-i486 pm-i486.exe  PM-i486 Virtial Disk programming
Note : Expand these files with the -d flag (i.e. xu-i088 -d) to automatically create subdirectories if needed.

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