Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"ERIC HANGARTNER" <>

Scammer email posted Thu Jul 8 13:45:48 2010
Date: Thursday 08 July 2010
To: undisclosed-recipients:

My name is Dr Eric Hangartner of the International Monetary
Fund investigation unit. Attached pictures was received and
forwarded to our office here in London UK today , requesting that your
unclaimed fund be paid to Messes
Jacobs Enterprises.
In the said letter of change of beneficiary/ownership,
representatives of messes Jacobs' enterprises states that you
are dead and as such your fund should be paid to him as the
next of kin to you.
Because of the elaborate global scam, we decided to contact
you for confirmation. If after two working days, no response
is received from you, it will be assumed that you are dead and
as such authorisation and approval will be granted on behalf
of Messer's Jacobs Enterprises to claim/receive your fund.
Confirm this pictures and reconfirm your Information to me the Followings.
(1) Your full name.
(2) Phone, fax and mobile #.
3) company's name, position and address.
4) Profession, age and marital status.
5) Copy of int'l passport or any scanned identity to prove yourself.
and how you want your fund paid to you without further delay
if you are still alive.Get back to me immediately
Dr Eric Hangartner

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