Date: Wednesday 04 August 2010
From: "alpine touch"
Greetings from GFK Suppliers. My name is James Norman the CEO of the
company. I will like to place order on some products in your company, but I
would like to know if you ship to Australia. and also do you accept Visa or
Master card as method of payment? I will be glad if you can email back with
the current price sheet and the list of items you have available in stock at
the moment or a link to your website where I can find prices on each
Your total effort on my order to be completed would be dearly appreciated!
I can't wait to do business with your company.
Yours Sincerely
James Norman
GFK Suppliers Ltd
345 Dalmore Drive
Scoresby, VIC 3179 Australia
(02) 625 723 340
web: under construction