Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--David <>

Scammer email posted Mon Aug 9 17:06:09 2010
From: David [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 9:12 AM
Subject: Inquiry

Hello Sales,

My Name is David Smith am interested in purchasing some of your
products,I will like to know if you can ship directly to Switzerland.

However, i will appreciate your reply, if you can get back to me with
your website and the type of credit card you do accept for payment.

I will be glad if you can email back with the current price sheet and
the list of items you have available in stock at the moment or a link to
your website where i can find prices on each products.

Kindly return this email with your price list of your products.
Your total effort on my order to be completed would be dearly

Kind Regards,

davidsmithSupply Ltd
Postal Address:
Lochmattweg 12,
5033 Buchs, Zurich
Tel: +41 62 551 51 01
Fax: +41 62 714 05 30

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