Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"eMillions Ads" <>

Scammer email posted Sun Oct 17 16:41:14 2010
Subject: =3D+=3DEarn $25 for each email you process......=3D+=3D
Date: Friday 29 October 2010
From: "eMillions Ads" 

 Dear Marketers,
 Congratulations! You=E2=80=99re about to change your life for the better.
 =C2=A0 Take a look and read some of the info's that I am presenting to you.
 =C2=A0 If you are serious and motivated like I am, this is your Once in a=

 Start Your Own Money Making Job Immediately! This is not a Pyramid
 or MLM Program.
 How would you like to make money from home doing simple e-mail
 and get paid $25.00per e-mail you process? There is no limit to the
 amount of e-mails you can
 process and your potential
 =C2=A0 earnings are unlimited! You are not required to process a certain a=
 of e-mails out weekly and
 =C2=A0 can work at your own place and select your own hours.
 Personally I love this job. This is the work that I do every day. I wake u=
 the morning check my
 =C2=A0 inbox, process the e-mails by sending the mail out to the intereste=
 who have asked for this
 =C2=A0 information and get paid $25.00 per e-mail I send out. It takes me
 only about
 a few minutes to
 =C2=A0 process each e-mail.
Click Here To Get Your Spot Now!
Best Regards
If you wish to be remove in my database just hit below and "REMOVE"
in the subject,THANK YOU

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If you received an email like this you have several choices.
Whichever option you choose make sure you do the following:

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