Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--Micheal Danbuber <>,

Scammer email posted Tue Nov 16 08:25:05 2010
Subject: With due respect.
Date: Tuesday 16 November 2010
From: Micheal Danbuber ,
To: undisclosed recipients:

With due respect,

I am Mr. Micheal Danbuber, I work with the Peak
Financial Services Limited Ghana.=A0 My motive for writing this mail to y=
ou is
in form you of an account belonging to Mr. Brian has been my client for as=

as I have been with my bank.

His account holds the sum of $7.5 million
USD the truth now is that Mr Brian . Is late, and I have monitored his acco=
with us for 4 years now, and to my greatest surprise, no one has come up fo=
r a
claim till date. From my investigations and confirmation, my client left hi=
next of kin column blank, which is why no one has knowledge of the deposit=

except us at the bank.

Hence the need to get in touch with you as one
who I can present as a next of kin to assist in repatriating the money left=

behind by my late client before they get Confiscated or declared unpayable,=
have been unsuccessful in locating a relative for over 5 years now. All I
require is your Honest cooperation to enable this deal go through and I
guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate Arrangement that wi=
protect you from any breach of the Law as the funds did not originate from=

money or terrorism, but through inheritance.

Your response will be very
highly appreciated

Yours Faithfully,

Micheal Danbuber.

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