Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--mary ade2004 <>

Scammer email posted Wed Dec 1 07:44:19 2010
Subject: God Bless You As You Read while you forward this mail.
Date: Wednesday 01 December 2010
From: mary ade2004 
To: undisclosed recipients:

God Bless You As You Read.
I am Mrs, Mary Ade, am suffering from long time cancer of the breast, follo=
all indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite obviou=
that I wouldn't live more than three months, according to my doctors, and i=
all indication regards to medical analysis, this is because the cancer stag=
has gotten to a very bad stage that no hope for me to be a living person
My late husband killed during the France raid against terrorism in Ivory
Coast, and during the period of our marriage we could not produce any child=

my late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his
business and wealth. the doctors has advised me that I may not live for mor=
than three months, so I now decided to divide the part of this wealth, to
contribute to the development of the church in America, Africa, Asia and
Europe especially create solution to problem of less privileged ones and
orphanage homes.
I selected you after and I prayed over it; I am willing to donate the sum o=
$4.5 million dollars, to the less privileged. Please I want you to note thi=
fund was deposited in one of the banks here in Ivory Coast and upon my
instruction i will file in an application for the transfer of the fund in
your name.
Lastly, I honestly pray that this fund when transferred will be used for th=
said purpose even though am late then, because I have come to find out that=

wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity and I made the promise to God
that the fund will be use to build his temple. May the grace of our lord
Jesus the love of God and the fellowship of God be with you and your family=
await urgent reply.
God blesses you.
Mrs Mary Ade,
Remain blessed,=A0=20

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