Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"MRS AISHA AL-OBEID" <>,

Scammer email posted Fri Dec 17 10:05:56 2010
Date: Friday 17 December 2010

Attn: The Managing Director
Before I proceed, may I humbly introduce myself to your good self, My Name is 
Mrs. Aisha al-Obeid, I am Originally from TIMOR. Wife of Brigadier General 
Ismail Swayed al-Obeid ,my husband was one of the personal aid to the 
president of Iraq and deputy commander of the Iraqi army in western Al-Anbar 
province who shot dead in 2007

Prior to this last serious crisis that is still ravaging in my country, which 
recently led to misfortune of our government and my late husband position as 
the personal aid to the president, We inherited the sum of(US$11) million. 
The funds were originally gotten from my late husband proceeds. My late 
husband was able to safe guard the fund with a very good diplomatic contact 
from our Country and deposited it in Thailand .

I have decided to contact you because I am interested in investing in your 
country which is investment friendly.
Please kindly guide and assist me in making the right investment since I am 
also interested in buying a residential property as I will be moving with my 
only son Bassem in over there as soon as every thing regarding technical and 
logistics details is worked out and ascertained to our respective 
satisfaction. In view of your participation,

I am ready to give you a good negotiable percentage for your assistance, or 
better still commit it into viable Joint venture projects with you, Be 
assured that you stand no risk of any kind as the funds belong to me and my 
only survived son Bassem . As soon as I get your reply, we will quickly move 
this fund to your country for investment. However, upon your acceptance to 
work as my partner, you can contact me with my private e-mail for more 

I strongly believe that associating with you to embark on this and other 
business ventures will derive a huge success here after, please include you 
private contact telephone number and private e-mail when replying. we are 
Seriously Waiting For Your Urgent Reply

Yours Sincerely.
Mrs. Aisha al-Obeid/Mr Bassem(Son)

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