Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"Larence Cole" <>

Scammer email posted Sat Dec 18 11:01:30 2010
From: "Larence Cole" 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 9:14 AM
Subject: Purchase Order Inquiry

> Hello,
>      Greetings from Australia .I want to place an order with you an i will 
> like to inquiry on the below question.
> 1- Do you carry oversea? (though i already know of a freight forwarder
> that will pick my packages from you,since they ship lesser than any other
> courier and they are so effective in shipping my goods to me here in
> Victoria,Australia is estimated to be 3-4days) I have used there service 
> in
> the
> past and it was splendid.
> 2- Do you accept credit card for payment(my U.S.A Master and Visa card to
> be precise)?
> Kindly let me know your comments on these, before i send the items i am
> interested in purchasing from you.
> kindly send me price list or inventory list of your latest  collections as 
> an attach file to my email box so we can proceed with the order
> PAYMENT MODE...................CREDIT CARD
> 544 Reed Street
> North Greenway ACT 2900
> Please get back to me as soon as possible so we can proceed with the 
> order.
> Warmest Regards.
> Larence Cole.
> Larence Enterprises
> Owner

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