Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for

Scammer email posted Sun Jan 30 04:48:16 2011
Subject: Beloved Friend
Date: Wednesday 26 January 2011

Beloved Friend,
I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow in 
my heart because my Doctor just announce to me that I will die in few months 
time because of extent damage of osephageal cancer. I have been suffering 
from this dreaded sickness for long, base on this development I want to will 
my money which is deposited in a security company to an individual who is 
willingly to build a charity home for orphanage and abandoned kids.
I am in search of a reliable person who will use the Money to build charity 
organization for the saints and the person will take 30% of the total sum. 
While 70% of the money will go to the charity and orphanage. I am from 
Sarawak Malaysia, my husband died 6 years ago as a result of car accident. i 
don't want a friend or someone i know to handle this project. I want the 
actualization of my dream to establish this charity home to come in reality 
even while am dead.
The total money in question is $6.5million dollars. I will provide you with 
other information's once you indicate your willingness.
Yours sincerely.
Mrs.Zarina Razak

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