Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--Mary Aburey <>,

Scammer email posted Tue Feb 15 21:32:48 2011
Subject: Hello
Date: Tuesday 15 February 2011
From: Mary Aburey ,
To: undisclosed recipients:


Howare you and how is your work? i hope that all is well with you, My name is 
miss Mary. i know that you may be suprise how i get your email, i got your 
email today when i was browsing looking for honest partner, then i feel to 
drop this few line to you , and i will like you to contact me through my 
email so that we can know each other and exchange our pictures, and we may 
become partner.

Remember the distance does not matter what matters is the love we share with 
each other.

i am waiting to hear from you soon.

kiss regards Miss Mary.

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