Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--KimJ. <>

Scammer email posted Tue Jun 7 23:11:38 2011
From: KimJ. 
Date: Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 2:12 PM
Subject: =E4=B8=BB=E9=A2=98:Project Task !!!

The Project is about the exportation of 100,000 barrels of Light Crude
Oil daily out from Iraq to Turkey through my client's company in Iraq
at the rate of $99.00 a barrel. This amount to $9,900,000 daily.  I ask
for your support as a foreigner to handle this business project with my
client and you are not expected to invest in Iraq

If yes, let me know and we will discuss this project proper.

The above is the actual scammer email received. It has been scrubbed of recipient information.
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