Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"Mr.George Mensah" <>,
Scammer email posted Mon Jun 27 17:07:35 2011
Subject: Let me know pls
Date: Monday 27 June 2011
From: "Mr.George Mensah" ,
Please let me know if you got my email, very important.
Mr.George Mensah.
The above is the actual scammer email received. It has been scrubbed of recipient information.
If you received an email like this you have several choices.
Ignore the scammer. Do not respond to emails. Just delete them.
Respond, but only to lead the scammer on--to get a counterfeit check, to report stolen credit card numbers, and to waste the scammer's time. Time spent trying to scam you is time not spent scamming someone else.
Report the scammer to us and we'll post their emails so others will know about that scammer.
Whichever option you choose make sure you do the following:
DO NOT educate the scammer in any way. Educating a scammer makes them better at scamming the next person.
DO NOT let the scammer know that YOU KNOW they are a scammer. The scammer will always be nice to you if they think there's a chance they may still be able to scam you. If they know they've been discovered they will often threaten you. Their threats are empty, but are scary to some people.
DO NOT give the scammer any personal information that they cannot find in a phone book (name, address, and phone.) Feel free to give them lots of incorrect information.