Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"MRS ZENG.Q.ZHEN" <>

Scammer email posted Tue Jul 12 17:26:12 2011
Subject: I have a bussines proporsal for you
Date: Tuesday 12 July 2011
To: undisclosed-recipients:

Compliment of the day,

 I am Mrs. Zeng Q. Zhen, a staff of Lloyds TSB Group Plc. here in Hong Kong 
attached with Private Banking Services; I have a secured business proposal 
for you. Should you be interested please reach me on my private email 
address:( And after that I shall provide you with 
more details of my proposal. Your earliest response to this letter will be 
 Yours Sincerely,

Zeng Zhen

The above is the actual scammer email received. It has been scrubbed of recipient information.
If you received an email like this you have several choices.
Whichever option you choose make sure you do the following: