Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--Karen Alan <>,

Scammer email posted Sun Jul 17 18:38:33 2011
From: Karen Alan [],  
Sent: 14 July 2011 03:40 PM
Subject: Quotation Needed...Pls Contact Shipper Asap...=E2=80=8F=E2=80=8F=

Here are the list of items i want:

SoPure sterilizing fluid 1Litre.... .Order Quantity 20
SoPure nursery disinfectant 125ml.... .Order Quantity 25
Chairs for kids in Green.... .Order Quantity 25
Chairs for kids in Blue... .Order Quantity 25
Elodie Details Pacifier in Sweetheart... .Order Quantity 25
Elodie details Pacifier Clip in Sweetheart... .Order Quantity 25
Room Decor Wall Stickers in Pony Fantasy... .Order Quantity 25

15 Cesta na Roglo
Zrece 3214,

 Concerning the shipping , the likes of UPS, DHL and others  always don't
take care of the charges down here.Charges like handling,customs and duties
etc.  We have experienced  such situation before and i don't want to
experience such thing again,you do not need to worry about the stress
involve and all documentations because i have  a shipping company that have
delivered to me in the past,i really like their services so i will like you
to contact them about the shipping.I will be glad if you contact this
shipper (L.M LOGISTIC LIMITED) for the shipping quote. Here is there email
address ( .uk ) They will take care of everything
including handling, customs and duties,Tax, insurance etc,also you will be
responsible for payment to L.M LOGISTIC LIMITED then all costs as far as
shipping, taxes, duties, and insurance in addition to the costs of the
product should be sent to me in a proforma invoice to be paid in advance of
shipment.Always send me the copy of email you send to them ,pls email them
with pick up address,shipping address and the weight of the order.Pls get
back to me with the following once you hear back from them..

cost of items..........
shipping cost via L.M LOGISTIC LIMITED........
all additional cost(transfer fee to L.M LOGISTIC
total cost (cost of items+shipping cost via L.M LOGISTIC LIMITED+ transfer
fee to  L.M LOGISTIC LIMITED )........

 so i can send you my credit card details for you to charge the total cost
from it and get the shipping fees settled,then my order can be shipped out


 Karen Alan

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karen and Alan []
> Sent: 03 July 2011 04:58 PM
> To: undisclosed-recipients:
> Hello,
> I am interested in some of your items , but will like to know how long it
> will take
> to deliver items to Slovenia as that is the destination. More also i will
> like to
> confirm what kind of Credit Card do you accept as form of payment? Kindly
> get back to me
> with answer to my inquiry and don't forget to include your updated website
> link for me
> to browse through.
> God Bless.

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