Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--Barrister Walter Ashdown <>

Scammer email posted Sun Jul 17 18:42:43 2011
Subject: More Information's About Maria Johnson
Date: Thursday 14 July 2011
From: Barrister Walter Ashdown 

Hello Friend,

I received your mail/Reply. My name is Barrister Walter Ash down,attorney to
Mrs. Maria Johnson, whom have directed you to me, wanting you to be the sole
beneficiary to her assets. I have been the attorney to Mrs. Maria Johnson
for 7 years, whom is currently suffering from cancer and presently preparing
to undergo surgery, so i am in no position to question her orders as to give
away her assets to whom is deem fit to have it.To her, the chances of her
surviving is slim, so she has asked me to carry out her dying wish since she
has no surviving relatives whom she can WILL her possessions to. So it is my
duties to verify whom ever she has directed to contact me, since she cannot
entertain any calls or messages. So i solicit your cooperation and
understanding so that i can carry her out her wishes of establishing a
Charity Organization in your country.

All i require from you is to please do send me your full names and contact
address and phone number\e-mail address which i can reach you with so as to
ease our communication processes.These i shall also use to prepare the
transfer documents which will be presented to the bank for the release of
the funds to you. The money in question is $10.5 million. I shall start the
preparation of the transfer documents, the moment you send in these
information i have requested of you.However, i shall also meet with Mrs.
Maria Johnson, and tell her that you have volunteered to stand as the
next-of-kin to her, and believe you me, this will gladden her soul. Once
again, i would say on behalf of my client, Mrs. Maria Johnson, thank you for
volunteering to be her next-of-kin and to use the money for the betterment
of the less privileged in the society as this has always been her wish.

I shall be expecting your prompt response.

Yours Sincerely
Barr.Walter Ash-down

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