Subject: Contact Western Union for your payment of us$3.7m
Date: Wednesday 03 August 2011
From: John Willey
Attention My Dear,
This is=A0 to bring to your notice that we have arrange your=A0 payment of =
USD to be sending to you via western union money transfer.
The total amount mentioned above is with western union outlet and they will=
sending the money via western union to you note they will be
sendingus$5,000.00 twince everyday .
Here is the western union information to pick up the first payment of
us5,000.00 to enable them to send you another one today.
Sender's Name: Larry Bonner
MTCN : 391-933-0696
Text Question: IN GOD
Answer: WE TRUST
Amount : Us$5,000.00
Therefore,i want you to email=A0 Mr.Roynald Mark=A0 the western union direc=
tor and
ask him to give you the MTCN you need to pick up your second payment of
us$5,000 today.
Call Mr.Roynald Mark=A0 now and ask him to give you mtcn and every other
information you need to pick up your second=A0 payment of the us$5,000.00
Here is what he may require from you.
Your Receiver Name.....
Your Country...................
This is their informations to contact them.
Mr..Roynald Mark Director
Telephone.+229 99665747.
Dr.John Willey.