Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--John Willey <>

Scammer email posted Wed Aug 3 18:14:47 2011
Subject: Contact Western Union for your payment of us$3.7m
Date: Wednesday 03 August 2011
From: John Willey 

Attention My Dear,
This is=A0 to bring to your notice that we have arrange your=A0 payment of =
USD to be sending to you via western union money transfer.
The total amount mentioned above is with western union outlet and they will=

sending the money via western union to you note they will be
sendingus$5,000.00 twince everyday .
Here is the western union information to pick up the first payment of
us5,000.00 to enable them to send you another one today.
Sender's Name: Larry Bonner
MTCN : 391-933-0696
Text Question: IN GOD
Answer: WE TRUST
Amount : Us$5,000.00
Therefore,i want you to email=A0 Mr.Roynald Mark=A0 the western union direc=
tor and
ask him to give you the MTCN you need to pick up your second payment of
us$5,000 today.
Call Mr.Roynald Mark=A0 now and ask him to give you mtcn and every other
information you need to pick up your second=A0 payment of the us$5,000.00
Here is what he may require from you.
Your Receiver Name.....
Your Country...................
This is their informations to contact them.
Mr..Roynald Mark Director
Telephone.+229 99665747.
Dr.John Willey.

The above is the actual scammer email received. It has been scrubbed of recipient information.
If you received an email like this you have several choices.
Whichever option you choose make sure you do the following:

For more information you may contact us by email, email form, or by phone at (801) 277-0888.
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