Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"Mrs. Briget Claude" <>,

Scammer email posted Thu Aug 18 12:50:31 2011
Subject: May God bless you in abondantly................
Date: Thursday 18 August 2011
From: "Mrs. Briget Claude" ,
To: undisclosed recipients:
Dear Child of God,

Calvary Greetings in the name of the LORD Almighty and Our LORD JESUS CHRIS=
the giver of every good thing.

Good day and compliments of the seasons, i know this letter will definitely=

come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go
through it carefully as the decision you make will go off a long way to
determine my future and continued existence. I am Mrs.Briget Claude an agin=
widow of 67 years old suffering from long time cancer of the throat.

I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of
US$3.4,000,00000 and I needed a very honest and God fearing Christian who c=
withdraw this money then use the funds for Charity works. I WISH TO GIVE TH=
FUNDS TO YOU FOR CHARITY WORKS. I contacted you after studying your
background after honest prayers to the LORD to bring me a helper and i
decided to contact you to handle these trust funds in good faith before
anything happens to me after my surgery which comes up soon.

I am desperately in keen need of assistance and I have summoned up courage =
contact you for this task, you must not fail me and the millions of the poo=
people in our todays WORLD. This is no stolen money and there are no danger=
involved,100% RISK FREE with full legal proof. Please if you would be able =
use the funds for the Charity works please kindly let me know immediately.

Warmest Regards,

Mrs.Briget Claude

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