Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--Ama Lawrence <>

Scammer email posted Tue Nov 1 06:46:15 2011
Subject: Hello Dear
Date: Tuesday 01 November 2011
From: Ama Lawrence 
To: undisclosed recipients:

Hello Dear

Sorry for intruding into your mail box.

I want to introduce to you a business which will benefit both of us and earn a 
good profitable amount out of it if you can be interested and also be 

My company ran out of stock of this particular chemical which we use in the 
production of some animal drugs and this chemical is only found in India 
since ever we started making use of the chemical. And i only have the contact 
address of this particular Local Dealer in India because i am the company PRO 
that worked with the former boss before this present one came inception.

Therefore i will give you the contact of the local dealer in India so that you 
can negotiate from them and sell to my boss at a very high price.

The local dealer is selling the chemical at the rate of 45,000 dollars per 
liter and my boss will buy it from you at the rate of 65,000 dollars per 

And me and you will share our profit which we will make from my company If you 
are interested I will forward the full specification of the chemical to you 
and the contact of my director so that you can contact him and negotiation.

Already my company have sent a publication notice to the Ghana chambers of 
commerce in-case someone else has the chemical in stock for sales.

I wait for your reply

Ms Ama Lawrence

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