Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"Clerck Dicson" <>

Scammer email posted Thu Nov 3 21:21:40 2011
Subject: l am interested to buy goods from your store
Date: Thursday 03 November 2011
From: "Clerck Dicson" 
To: undisclosed-recipients:

Hello Sales,
I am Clerck dicson,i will like to order for some goods from your store but
before i  can proceed i will like to ask the following
questions.I know the difficulties encountered when shipping
internationally, But that will not be a problem because i am registered
with a shipping company whom i have used severally without any delay nor
problems with my goods,before i proceed i will like to ask this question.

Do You Ship Internationally(DUBAI)?
Do You Do E-Mail Order?
Do You Accept Visa or Master Credit Card,Amex.issued in united state.
Do you accept bulk order?
I await your urgent response so we can proceed.

The above is the actual scammer email received. It has been scrubbed of recipient information.
If you received an email like this you have several choices.
Whichever option you choose make sure you do the following: