Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"Mrs Susan Nanah" <>,

Scammer email posted Mon Nov 28 14:45:23 2011
Subject: Humanitarian Project!!
Date: Monday 28 November 2011
From: "Mrs Susan Nanah" ,

Dear Beloved.
I am very sure you can make a lot of difference by replying to my mail beca=
God has gifted us with this beautiful day to be a blessing unto others,
become good friends in and see that with greater power comes greater
responsibility . You can make a lot of changes in the life of others with
this great offer from the Lord through me to you , most especially the poor=

at heart , and the less privileged in the society.Firstly , I think i would=

start all with a proper introduction of myself.I am Mrs Susan Nanah a wife =
Late Mr.Vicente Nanah of=A0 Ghana, we married for 30 years without a child.=
husband died 2001 in auto crash and before his sudden death,he has a huge
amount deposited with one of the security vault as a family great valuables=

in our neighboring country(Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire) for safe keeping and this=

sum was acquired through legal source as a contractor when he was alive.

I decided to donate this fund to either you, an organization , charity home=
(motherless homes),or devoted individual that will utilize this money in th=
way I will.Recently my doctor told me that I have only six months to live i=
this world due to cancer problem and stroke.Though what disturbs me most is=

my stroke sickness.It very essential that you understand the kind of trust=

and confidence I want to put in you is extraordinary and in order not to lo=
this deposited sum in the hand of=A0 desperate relatives.I seek for your
assistant in receiving this fund in your custody for a humanitarian project=

and i will appreciate your capability and willing to assist me in good fait=
without prejudice.

Although, I took this decision because I don't have any child that will
inherit this money and my husband relatives are=A0 into radical organizatio=
and they do not wish me well after that have sold all my late husband
properties, that is the reasons i took this bold decision.I would have
disposed this fortune by myself to some of these humanitarian organization=

here,but i could not for some good reasons.Please, pray for me to recover a=
your prayers will go along way in uplifting my spirit. I don't need any
telephone communication in this regard, because of my condition and my doct=
has advised me not to speak on phone because of my health for now .i am
currently leaving in Ghana for my treatment.I will give you more details on=

how to receive the fund as soon as i hear from you,please this is a God
directive and i will not appreciate if you ignore this message and it's
Please,treat this contact with utmost secrecy for security and safety reaso=
I hope to read your positive response at your earliest convenient.

May God blessings be with you in all your daily endeavors, Amen.

Mrs Susan Nanah

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