From: Randy Mark [] Sent: December-12-11 10:15 AM Subject: EMAIL ORDER Hello, Greetings from GFK Suppliers. My name is Randy Mark the CEO of the company. I will like to place order on some products in your company, but I would like to know if you ship to NORWAY. and also do you accept Visa or Master card as method of payment? I will be glad if you can email back with the current price sheet and the list of items you have available in stock at the moment or a link to your website where I can find prices on each products. Your total effort on my order to be completed would be dearly appreciated! I can't wait to do business with your company. Yours Sincerely Randy Mark President. Mark Suppliers Ltd P.O. Box 788 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo, Norway +47 22 24 90 98 web: under construction |