Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"MR. EDWARD WALTON" <>,

Scammer email posted Sat Apr 7 15:41:02 2012
Subject: Outstanding
Date: Saturday 07 April 2012
To: undisclosed-recipients:

Compliments of the day,

We are surprised you did not receive our letter of instruction attached.

Please find attached details of the internal process information. The
attached letter are addressed to you and also made available to you only
for immediate process on your claim. They are considered HIGHLY
CONFIDENTIAL and may contain security details and information vital to your
claim. Pls keep secured.

As soon as you indicate your readiness, we will forward to you more as it
is instructed by the Joint committee.

After we have received information as requested in the attachment, we have
72hrs to process the release of the above mention claim.

Please get in touch to the contact named person (+44 7924443099) as it is
stated in the attached letter for any further information or clarifications.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Elizabeth Matthews
open network are transmitted unencrypted and should therefore not contain
confidential information. The information contained in this electronic
message and any files transmitted with it are private and intended for the
sole use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you
are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all
copies of this message and any attachments.

The above is the actual scammer email received. It has been scrubbed of recipient information.
If you received an email like this you have several choices.
Whichever option you choose make sure you do the following:

For more information you may contact us by email, email form, or by phone at (801) 277-0888.
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