Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"Richard Clark" <>

Scammer email posted Thu Sep 27 08:26:30 2012
Subject: Order to Tokyo,Japan..
From: "Richard Clark" 
Date: 2012-09-27 03:20
Hello Sales,

  Hope you got a great day? My name is Richard Clark. I will like to place an 
order with you.I know the difficulties encountered when shipping 
internationally,but that will not be a problem because i am registered with a 
shipping company whom have used severally without any delay nor problems 
given. Before i place this order, i will like to know if you accept Credit 
Cards [MASTER/VISA/AMEX AND DISCOVER CARD] as your terms of payments.Because 
that is the only way we can make payment for now, And to let you know that 
this order is highly needed so we expect a swift response from you so that we 
can know if we could go ahead and order,Please your product catalogue pages 
will be highly needed to get your available products or if you could attached 
them directly to us included with the price. Store address below:

Shipping to address.
10-10 Higashi-Gotanda
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022


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