Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer-- Bernadatte Meizan <>

Scammer email posted Mon Mar 11 20:17:34 2013
Subject: 	Hi Dear,
Date: 	Thu, 7 Mar 2013 09:41:45 +0000 (GMT)
From: 	Bernadatte Meizan 
To: 	undisclosed recipients: ;

Hi Dear,

How are you today? to introduce myself, I'm 19 years old, single and 
unmarried. I lost my mother at the very young age of 8, and being the 
daughter, I have neither brothers nor sisters. I was a student of 
fashion designs in a college before the urgly incident that took the 
life of my father. And since then I've been passing through a very 
difficult and painful period of my life.

With due respect and humility I write you this letter which I believe 
you would be of great assistance to me emotionally and physically. I 
want you to help me invest my fathers money.( $13,600.000.00 ) into a 
profitable business in your Country as my partner. My father was into 
real estate business for many years before he was poisoned on his way 
coming back from business trip. I will give you details once you reply 
my message. Please I will be glad if you can help me invest in a 
profitable business in your country, If you agree, we shall both share 
the total annual profit.I am thinking of investing into any of these 

Please your suggestion and idea will be fine for me.I demand you treat 
this very confidential. I will give you full details of the funds 
concerning the transfer as soon as I receive your response. I will send 
you my photo in my next mail.
Waiting for your soonest respond.

God bless you.

Miss Bernadatte Meizan.

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