Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer-- Aisha Shukri Ghanem <>

Scammer email posted Sat Mar 30 20:06:35 2013
Subject: 	Re: Uprising
Date: 	Fri, 29 Mar 2013 18:51:53 +0100
From: 	Aisha Shukri Ghanem 
To: 	Recipients 

Hi there,

My name is Aisha daughter of Shukri Ghanem. We fled from Libya last year
following the uprising against Col Muammar Gaddafi.

My father=E2=80=99s death is no longer news but my mother's deteriorating h=
ealth made
me want to do this despite the fact that I barely know you. I believe in my=

late father=E2=80=99s philosophy: =E2=80=9Crisk many things in life; but no=
t life itself=E2=80=9D. I
believe in taking business risk with strangers mainly to escape the spotlig=
and I hope you can do this for my family.

I have a rather unusual proposition having found you on the internet in
desperation and I am here to surprise you with this extreme offer you can
easily afford. It=E2=80=99s something that I believe could provide a great =
deal of
profit to you if you give me a moment of your time. I would like to propose=
joint venture with you because we are looking at investment opportunities i=
your area and we need a local presence to carry out our plans. Everything
depends on you and ultimately how self-motivated you are.

Of course, you may simply have reservations about teaming with us when you=

don=E2=80=99t know my family. Please be assured that I want nothing more th=
an what
could be a very profitable joint venture and a lasting business relationshi=

Please write back and I'll explain everything in full detail.

Thank you.

Best Regard,
Aisha Ghanem.

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