Mr. Pinball's Blacklist--Index of Scammers--Individual Email for Scammer--"mphjulia2" <>

Scammer email posted Fri Apr 14 00:02:54 2017
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2017 01:19:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: "mphjulia2" 
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Good day Dear,

Good day Dear,

With your permission I want to present to you my sincere
initiatives and proposals.

In the spirit of faith, solidarity, humanity and common sense
appeal to your wisdom and kindness as a human of this planet
with the request friendship sustains me if you consider
setting up a foundation for humanitarian work with 6.650
million Euro inherited from my late husband who was an

I decided to donate these funds because I have no child and my
days are numbered according to my physician who always
examines my health because I was diagnosed by serious lung and
breast cancer and will be going for my third surgical
operation next week, I want you to use these funds nationally
and internationally to people without hope, against which we
must not be careless.

I am Mrs jane mary Aged 37, and childless, always cheerful
with a desire to do good and give those who need help. The
principles which I rely in life are faith, humanity,
solidarity, respect and trust.

Please always put me in your daily prayers so that God will
grant more days to my leaving and confirm these funds into
your hand.

Hoping to hearing from you soonest with your information that
I will submit to the bank for the transfer of this money to
your account and your delays in replying to this message will
create an avenue of searching for another person that will
understand the nature of my situation in other handle this
donation funds gloriously to the Kingdom of God.

I am urgently expecting your kind acceptance reply.Via

Remain blessed with your family.

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