Spin Out

Made by Gottlieb in August, 1975. This is a single player 'wedge-head' replay version from late in Gottlieb's electromechanical era. This machine has been called 'the poor-man's Buckaroo'. The playfield and game rules are almost the same, even though the games are 10 years apart.

Backglass: Race track with Formula 1-style cars racing around. Unlike Buckaroo, Spin Out has no backglass animation.

Playfield: Symmetrical layout with a row of 5 lanes at the top. The center lane scores a special when lit. The others are labled A, B, C, and D. Getting A through D lanes lights the center lane for special. The prominent feature on this game is the roto-target in the center of the playfield.

Cabinet: Colors are yellow and black on a white background. The stenciled shapes are Formula 1-style cars and a driver's head with a helmet.

This machine has several items to shoot for.
My only complaint about this game is, like many other Gottliebs, that there is no provision for earning an extra ball. I believe this would be a more fun game if it were an Add-a-Ball type.

This is the second game that I bought from someone who was selling a newer game and keeping a relatively older (and much more beat) game. They were selling this one because it didn't work. This game did have some serious problems, but fortunately they were only wiring related. This is the game I keep at my In-Law's house. I tease my wife that this is to keep the peace.

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