Overview Attractions Adventures

The XMission Palace server is based on a surreal re-creation of Old Saltair Resort built on the Great Salt Lake, & other points of interest in Utah.
In addition to the above areas
we have many other Attractions & Adventures.

Architects Richard Kettling's drawing of Saltair 1892

Bathers approx 1900

Saltair was a "Palace" in real life, where people went to dance, swim,
dine, socialize, and see the fantastical decorated rooms & attractions.

In 1925 the original Saltair was destroyed by fire.

1997 3d computer rendering of Saltair for XMission Palace by Troy Lunt. (Tybalt)

The spirt of the old Saltair is alive on the net, here at XMission Palace. The Dancing, Music, rides & exhibits continue.
Come take a dip in the Great Salt Lake, or chat the night away with friends.

*More info & pix from our research on the real Saltair
can be found in our museum on the second floor of our Palace. 

Since we are based In Utah, In keeping with our regional theme,we are building Virtual Utah National Parks on the server.See our Attractions page for more info on those.

In addition to the above areas
we have many other Attractions & Adventures.

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