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Design Thinking


A System of Prospective Thinking © 1983 © 2013

FUTURLOGICS: Futurlogics is a MOS

MOS: (M)ind (O)perating (S)ystem

What is a MOS?  In computer science an OS is an acronym for (O)perating (S)ystem.  
An Operating System provides a base to put various apps or applications to execute.  
The Mind/Brain also needs an Operating System upon which we can function with 
what we know.  It is how we apply our knowledge, either upon knowledge itself or upon 
the things we know about. It is theory in action.  A MOS or (M)ind (O)perating (S)ystem 
is the theme upon which we execute our methods or praxis.  

FUTURLOGICS: Futurlogics is a Thinking System

What is a Thinking System?  A thinking system is a memorized pattern or model guiding 
the enterprise of thought.  It is trained metacognition that is either self-taught or externally 
educated.  It is a schema.  It is the knowledge of how we think applied to thinking itself.
It is the knowledge of how to control the human mind maximizing it to its full potential.

If this memorized pattern is optimized, it becomes an "Artificial Intelligence" or AI of the 
brain to increase intelligence itself.  If this memorized pattern is incomplete, intelligence is 
decreased through poorly constructed mental subroutines-negative habits.

What benefit is there to studying a thinking system such as Futurlogics?

With the advent and advancement of the computer there is now time to do what man can do better than the machines and that is really think and make good decisions. The Brain is so flexible that it can have millions of thinking system for every purpose. Man must learn to think again. Perhaps children think the way we should and we need a reminder to get back to that natural thought process. Computers have given man time to think. Now the competition is in thinking best! A creativity rebirth!

Yes business thinking is getting in closer to futurlogics with every book written to gain competitive advantage. The future is like the avalanche of information we are experiencing with this information age and the driving force of computer technology. You know that thinking will become more important than information when the software is/becomes cloned toeveryone. Custom software will be either expensive or sold to all very quickly for the same price. Therefore the difference in business will be the ability to out think the competition, if free enterprise survives to be viable.

"Why do so many companies fall into the trap of choosing either exploration or exploitation, rather that balancing both? . . . The answer lies in embracing a third form of thinking---design thinking--- . . . Charles Sanders Peirce . . . His important insight was that it is not possible to prove any new thought, concept, or idea in advance: all new ideas can be validated only through the unfolding of future events. To advance knowledge, we must turn away from our standard definitions of proof---and from the false certainty of the past--- and instead stare into a mystery to ask what could be. The answer, Peirce said, would come through making a "logical leap of the mind" or an "inference to the best explanation" to imagine a hueristic for understanding the mystery." ~"The Design of Business" by Roger Martin © 2009 HARVARD BUSINESS PRESS

Mystery --> Hueristics --> Algorithm = KNOWLEDGE FUNNEL

Does “ Design Thinking qualify as a “Thinking System?”

Short answer, yes.

What is the Design Thinking  main memorized pattern?

Check List of Design Thinking   Modes:

Color code standardized to Futurlogics color code.

✹ Empathize Mode -- (Put yourself in the place, mind, perspective of customer.)

✹ Define Mode ------- (Consolidate empathic findings into mission statement.)

✹  Ideate Mode -------- (Imagine solutions or preferences of customer.)

✹  Prototype Mode ---- (Build mental model and generate real mockups.)

✹  Test Mode ----------- (Return to your customer for feedback.)

✹  Decide --------------- (Return to Empathize Mode or Go to Implement Mode or Re-Design.)

✹  Implement Mode --- (Put the vision into effect.)

Charles Sanders Peirce (born 1839) ABDUCTION used in Design Thinking is very similar to DMP in Futurlogics. © 1983 (quoted below:)


     At this point in our discussion a concept fundamental to
Futurlogics must be introduced.  Direct Mental Process and Direct
Mind Perception, (DMP), both refer to a mental operation necessary
to self-teaching and learning the future.  The mind as a "perceptual
organ" itself is an idea that opens to view the world beyond the five
senses.  The future is intuitively known and the concept of Direct
Mental Process or Direct Mind Perception takes on special meaning
offering answers (perhaps to easily and temptingly) we seek.  However, 
DMP is basic to this study.  (Or to researching the unknown in
general.  The future can be a one word metaphor for all that is to
be researched or yet learned.)
     DMP is a duplex acronym of both Direct Mind Perception and
Direct Mental Process.  The definition of DMP must be left purposely
ambiguous to draw in simultaneously both dimensional features of
mental consciousness.  (The rational and intuitive nature of thought
are both necessary to prospective thinking.)  Because DMP contact with
the future is left loosely defined, personal input into the subject is
unavoidable.  Rather than a problem, such bias is an aid (if we keep an
open mind).  As we shall see, as the theory develops, DMP can only be
a matter of self-discovery and intuition after we develop Futurlogics.
     DMP may be creativity, meditation, intuitive insight or a process yet
undefined.  At this point we cannot make a strict definition.  If we say
what it IS, we also say what it IS NOT, and the mind is not left free to
make its own discovery--an experience necessary to Futurlogics and
to self-teaching.  It is offered as a temporary concession that, since we
now know that a future exists, we must have come to this knowledge
by a purely mental process or perception.  What that is, is DMP!
     Before DMP is apparent by self-discovery we experience hunches,
insights, precognition and similar phenomena which reflect one form
of bias; conversely, training and schooling in logic and reasoning and
philosophy-related experience might ascribe to DMP the reasoning
processes necessary to handle abstract thought.  Either view or input is 
constructive to an understanding of Futurlogics and DMP.  If an open 
mind is maintained these inputs will be unavoidable with an open 
definition; but, this should not affect the study of Futurlogics.  Diversity 
of this nature should enhance the learning effect when principles
of Futurlogics are discussed with others who look at the future with
     No matter what DMP means to the reader, the general concept is
a tool in studying the future.  The minimum limits, however, for a
working definition is that the future or the temporal environment can
only be mentally considered or perceived.  DMP offers a quick reference 
to such demands upon higher thought processes.  DMP is also the
intuitive process of hunches and insights that bode of the future.
Finally, it is a shortened description of all the means of learning
exclusive of the five senses.
     seeing is believing, but what we believe directs our eyes toward
what we see.  Without DMP we would not learn even with the five senses.
     (As we study the six modes/models of Futurlogics we shall see
how nicely the three modes that relate the time continuum equate to
DIRECT MENTAL PROCESS: and how appropriate  three modes relate to
DIRECT MIND PERCEPTION because of the principles of intelligence they
represent such as imagination, assumption, creativity.  This form of
parallel thought streaming of DMP are foundations to the holistics of mind. )

What mental operations are central to developing DMP or the dual defined
Direct Mind Perception/Direct Mental Process?

Naturally the whole mind; but *three fundamental operations of the balance

CROSS MODE MASKING is "in the box" thinking.

COMPENSATION is "out of the box" thinking.

HEURISTICS is the "zeal of curiosity" thinking.

  1. Compensation is the heightened thought and sensory awareness and sensitivity
    due to a blockage of one channel of sense or thought.

  2. Cross mode masking is the affect from channel or sense blaring that dominate
    other inputs so as to cause an attenuation or blocking or mode/cycle style
    of thought to the other inputs.

  3. Heuristics is the happy discoveries made without logical or patterned thought.
    It is the improvements made to the mind because the mind finds new ways
    to do things in a "shorthand" fashion. It says if it work for me I'll use
    it even if it comes out of the blue or it's logic is lacking.

*Updated answer © 2010: The six fundamental mental operations central to developing DMP, (the dual defined acronym) or Direct Mind Perception/Direct Mental Process are the balance between:







These components are needed to use the whole mind, and are defined next:

CROSS MODE MASKING is the affect from channel or sense blaring, that dominate other inputs, so as to cause an attenuation, or blocking, or mode/cycle style of thought, to the other inputs. The opposite of cross mode masking is compensation. Example, sight dominates the inputs the other senses send. Or sometimes a sound is so loud we loose the ability to see clearly.

COMPENSATION is the heightened thought and sensory awareness, and sensitivity due to a blockage of one channel, or sense, or thought. Example, the blind using all his other remaining senses, to make up for the loss of his sight, will illustrate this effect.

HEURISTICS is the happy discoveries made without logical or patterned thought. It is the improvements made to the mind, because the mind finds new ways to do things, in a “shorthand” fashion. It says, “if it works for me, I’ll use it”, even if it cannot be explained, or if it comes out of the blue, or if it has a self contained logic of its own—because it works!

JUDGMENT is ability to evaluate incomplete data, partial information imperfect knowledge.

CREATIVITY is synthetic thought that combines, builds, adds, to get a new idea or new approach.

KNOWLEDGE is our awakening to existence.

What of the Knowledge Funnel?

(If "The future is a mystery just in front of us." ) 

     We could visualize the future as many possibilities funneling
down through the present to end up as the past--the neck of the
funnel is the present.  There are no possibilities in the past. Only
absolute fact and singularity characterizes what passes the present to
the past.  But if we move the funnel of the present, as it were, into the
future so that we look at the past of the future behind the funnel as if
it were the past, we produce a singular future at least to the new
position of the neck.  Analogically, this is essentially what the
retrospective mode does, and the absolute future, in turn, is the future
from the funnel back to the present.
     Overdoing the use of history to view the future produces the same
effect.  Looking at the future in the light of the past will tempt us to see
the future as singular.  But the facts are that we are alive and able to
make an impact upon our environment.  Everything we do can change
the future to some degree, according to the power and resources
within our grasp.  If we choose, we have the power available to blow
this planet to dust.  Facts compel us to look at our future as plural. A
plural future requires us to look forward with responsibility.  If we
tend to avoid responsibility, we may want to view the future as a
singular thing beyond our control, thus alleviating culpability in how
everything turns out.   Nevertheless, the greater the power our knowledge
gives over our environment, the more plural the future must be
envisioned.  If our will is empowered with knowledge that enables us to
plan and design the future as we elect, at least within reasonable
limits, we tend to pluralize the future.
    A plural future offers choice, whereas the singular future of the
absolute mode restricts volition.  Strict adherence to the retrospective
mode of approaching the future produces a singular future that
paralyzes our will and freedom of choice. ~futurlogics © 1983:

Design Thinking


A System of Prospective Thinking © 1983 © 2013


















. . .

Abduction lives between these Business Vectors:

Business Operation . . . R&D Research and Development

Profit . . . Cost

Security . . . Risk

Fear . . . Adventurous

Comfort . . . Vigor

Certainty with past oriented "PROOF" . . . Certainty with future oriented "PROOF"

. . .

DMP lives between this Vector:

Past . . . Future

. . .

. . .

Can you convert Design Thinking   into Futurlogics ?

Short answer, yes.

Long answer, how?

F U T U R L O G I C S key points:

  • The study of the future develops advanced thinking methods and models.

  • The principles of Prediction, Waiting(Scheduling), Preparation, Planning are improved by FUTURLOGICS and visa versa.

  • Models are the product of Inductive logic

  • Modals are the product of Deductive logic

  • DMP is a dual acronym for (D)irect (M)ind (P)erception and (D)irect (M)ental (P)rocess at once.

  • DMP is the product of the compound of Inductive and Deductive logic

  • DMP is true parallel thinking or Holistic Thinking.

Here are FUTURLOGICS  parallel thinking modes/models aligned with Design Thinking :

  1. Retrospective mode ... Absolute future

    ✹  Empathize Mode -- (Put yourself in the place, mind, perspective of customer.)

  2. Observational mode ... Natural future

    ✹  Define Mode ------- (Consolidate empathic findings into mission statement.)

  3. Imaginary mode ... Imaginary future

    ✹  Ideate Mode -------- (Imagine solutions or preferences of customer.)

  4. Assumptive mode ... Artificial future

    ✹  Prototype Mode ---- (Build mental model and generate real mockups.)

  5. Creative mode ... Synthetic future

    ✹  Test Mode ----------- (Return to your customer for feedback.)

  6. Model mode ... Paradigm future

  7. ✹  Decide --------------- (Return to Empathize Mode or Go to Implement Mode or Re-Design.)

    ✹  Implement Mode --- (Put the vision into effect for one or more futures.)

Spectrum of FUTURLOGICS  parallel thinking modes/models Design Thinking applied:

  • Ignorance ... Unbelief ... Prejudice ... Denial ... Blackness

  • Retrospective mode ... Absolute future  ... Red  Earth  history and tradition

    ✹  Empathize Mode -- (Put yourself in the place, mind, perspective of customer{Earth History, Tradition, Society, etc.}.)

    How can one empathize without knowledge of the customer's history and the product's provenance?

    " Empathy requires us to put aside our learning, culture, knowledge, opinions, and worldview purposefully in order to understand other peoples’ experiences of things deeply and meaningfully. It requires a strong sense of imagination for us to be able to see through another person’s eyes. It requires humility so we can seek to abandon our preconceived ideas and biases. It requires that we have a heightened awareness of other peoples’ needs, wants, motivations and goals. Let’s go through the traits an empathic observer should possess—and some methods you can use to gain a deep understanding of the people for whom you are designing."

    Decide if you are your own customer.

    Decide your percentage of Empathizing with your customer(s).

    50% Empathizing means you see eye to eye with your customers, so decide percentage.

    100% Empathizing means you become your customers and lose yourself, so decide percentage.

    200% Empathizing means you see yourself from the customers point of view, so decide percentage.

    Empathize with the question "Where is it all going?"


    Other Empathize Subjects("customers") in the Empathize Mode next:

    • Parental Influences, Tradition, Inheritance.

    • Social Memes or Viral Changes in Society.

    • Educational Agendas.

    • Economic Differences Impact i.e. “follow the money” "Track the Gold"

    • Social Pressures, Conformity, Individuality.

    • Language Patterns, Communications role in change mechanics.

    • Group Thinking vs. Personal Thinking.

    • Matthew 5:21 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time . . . .

    Observational mode ... Natural future  ... Yellow physics of our sun and its  science

    ✹  Define Mode ------- (Consolidate empathic findings into mission statement.)

    Define "half full."

    Define "half empty."

    Define what "half" means.

    Define what the method of Definitions is to be used.

  • Imaginary mode ... Imaginary future ... Blue sky and free thought  of imagination

    ✹  Ideate Mode -------- (Imagine solutions or preferences of customer.)

  • Assumptive mode ... Artificial future ... Orange choice, risk, subconscious gambling, passions

    ✹  Prototype Mode ---- (Build mental model and generate real mockups of future. This is Visioning)

  • Creative mode ... Synthetic future ...  Green synthesis of the leaf of the tree of creation

    ✹  Test Mode ----------- (Return to your customer for feedback. Re-engineer or re-create or make future come to pass.)

  • Model mode ... Paradigm future  ... Violet  integration of modal and model thought projection of the future

    ✹  Decide --------------- (Return to Empathize Mode or Go to Implement Mode or Re-Design.)

  • FUTURLOGICS ... Rainbow Spectrum  ...   a system to organize the spectrums of thought Text to read

    ✹  Decide --------------- (Decide which future or futures the customer wants and return to Empathize Mode or Go to Implement Mode.)

    ✹  Implement Mode --- (Put the vision into effect.)

  • DMP  ... White light of intelligence, or intuition and insight



Thinking Hats

Design Thinking

Futurlogics in Frames
