The Cave . . .

The Cave

The Cave: Could this be the Dragon's Lair?

"Whoa!," I shout to Dad over the noise of the Jeep. "What was that?!" We turn around and drive back a little to investigate. The sandstone walls of the canyon seem strangely pock-marked here and there -- the softer stone has worn away under the assault of nature. There before us is the great maw of a wedge-shaped cave, its ceiling hundreds of feet above our heads.

"How far back does it go?," we wonder.

The ever brave and intrepid Pat and Jon lead the way as Grandpa's flash camera, used in the picture above, lends an unnatural illumination to the interior of the strange fiery tunnel.

"Beware the dragon my sons!"

Next: The Dragon!

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The images, articles, and concepts of this page are copyrighted by P.S. Neeley -- copyright 1997