life skills for youth

Contact Arts-Kids at: or 435-615-7878

Why Grantors Fund Arts-Kids & Arts-Teens

The Arts-Kids model has been developed over the past decade to address challenges facing today’s youth.

The program is sometimes called a “primary prevention program” because the sense of belonging and “connectedness” developed in an Arts-Kids group helps kids avoid problems associated with:

  • Alcohol abuse
  • Drug use
  • Teen suicide
  • Gangs
  • Bullying and teasing
  • Social network problems like sexting and cyber-bullying
  • Lying, stealing, vandalism

The Arts-Kids and Arts-Teens programs are also intended to provide a safe place for students with ADHD and Asperger’s and other forms of autism to express themselves and feel socially accepted.

When a diverse group of students meet in a safe environment where they can express their feelings silently through art, or verbally through “Circle Time,” they develop empathy for others. This “sense of otherness” and improved self-esteem helps prevent negative behaviors.

Arts-Kids would like to thank the following sponsors

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