life skills for youth

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Program Evaluation


Why Arts-Kids is Important

Arts-Kids is based on the belief that all children will thrive if they have a safe place for self-expression, not always found at home, in school, or elsewhere in the community. During Arts-Kids sessions, children with diverse backgrounds, special challenges, and differing abilities come together in an atmosphere of trust. Arts-Kids’ trained facilitators are invested in eliminating the barriers of prejudice, fear, and stereotyping and in fostering respect, self-esteem, and understanding through communications skills.

At the end of every Arts-Kids session, children, teens, parents, teachers, program facilitators and volunteers assess the program and identify areas of improvement. Surveys ask children and teens to rate their agreement with the following statements: I feel better about myself; I made new friends, I feel better about speaking up, I feel better about school, I participate in more activities.

Adults are asked to rate whether students show: 1. A better attitude towards school, 2. Improved behavior, 3. Better ability to communicate, 4. A greater feeling of community and sense of belonging. The graphs on the right, show the most recent responses by teachers and parents.

Arts-Kids evaluation methodology has been assessed by an independent group from Westminster College who concluded that Arts-Kids outcomes in Summit County have been consistently high over the past decade and consistently beneficial over the past decade.

Westminster College Report.pdf

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