life skills for youth

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Arts-Kids Serves Wasatch County Schools


Arts-Kids Wants to Thank Red Ledges for Their Continued Support

Arts-Kids successfully completed a second academic year at Old Mill and J.R. Smith Elementary Schools in Wasatch County. Forty children attended for eight weeks each semester.

Parent comments:

“My son learned to be creative and not be afraid to show others what he can do. It was such a wonderful, nurturing environment that he didn’t feel insecure or feel that he had to compete with others.”

“There are not enough programs in the school system like this. Especially for kids who are not typical. I really value this program and was willing to donate money towards it, and would do it again in a heartbeat.”

Guidance counselor comment:

“I have watched as children who didn’t want to come to school, suddenly have a purpose to be there. I have heard the kids with low self-esteem say in the hallway that he is special because he gets to do Arts Kids.”

Arts-Kids would like to thank the following sponsors

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