life skills for youth

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Press Releases

Four Local Students Selected to Attend Olympic Ceremonies

The George and Delores Dore Eccles Foundation selected Arts-Kids, Inc., to be one of 25 organizations to choose children to be named as Eccles Foundation God Medallists and to attend the opening or closing ceremonies of the Olympic Winter Games. Mary Chaney, Randy Ostman, Shawn Rehn and Christian Vieyra were selected as God Medallists from Arts-Kids. they represent schools in the Park City School district: Treasure Mountain Middle School, and McPolin, Jeremy ranch and Parley's Park elementary schools. Lisa Eccles, executive director of the foundation, expressed pleasure that these children could be recipients of the honor since Park city contributed so much to the Games. Criteria for selection for the award were overcoming odds to accomplish goals and conveying the Olympic spirit. They serve as positive role models for their peers despite having coped with challenging circumstances. Selection was difficult from the over one hundred students who have participated in arts-Kids over its three years. These children benefited from their after school arts group experiences and fit all of the selection criteria. Arts-Kids was the only organization from Park City to be included for this award.

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