Day 3



Getting Ready
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8


Tuesday, June 5, 2001

Zion National Park


Jacob Lake, AZ (and Grand Canyon)

    After a successful first night camping, it was on to higher ground.  Jacob Lake (60 miles north of the Grand Canyon) is at about 8800 feet and much different weather than Zion.

    Worrying that the high altitude might provide a very cold night, we thought we might try to buy another blanket or two.  While I waited with the girls in the car, Krystal went into the local shop and check out their blanket selection.  When she returned, she informed that she had found a nice one for 15.  I thought that was a bit high, but would have to do.  I asked her why she didn't buy it and she said, "no, that was 15...hundred dollars."  It was a collectors blanket.  Needless to say, we did NOT buy the $1500 blanket, but we did survive the cold.  It really wasn't too bad.


Girls after first night camping.  We actually survived!


First Camping breakfast - French Toast alfresco (with a side of ants) was the special of the day.


Girls are loaded up and ready for the trip



Grand Canyon - North Rim


The token pose in front of the North Rim sign


The girls check out the 3-D model of a BIG hole in the ground

View from the Visitors Center



The Gilberts take a break in a beautiful meadow on the way back from the Grand Canyon 


Ashlyn helps dad put up the tent

Dad and girls cook hotdogs.  Thanks to Uncle Mike for his great hotdog roasting sticks.

Mom and girls cook some marshmallows after dinner

Day 3 of our trip ends peacefully as we enjoy the crisp mountain air and a full moon peaks through the trees and shines on our camp.




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Copyright © 2001 Brett C. Gilbert  All rights reserved

Last Modified June 07, 2001