Hill Street Blues
"Some Like It Hotwired"
(March 1982)
Here's another rare & obscure bit of work that Meg did in her early years, fellow fans! I really never expected to find this one, but thanks to "TV Land" and syndicated reruns, I got lucky!
A very young Meg plays a streetwalker in this episode of "Hill Street Blues". Her appearance comes almost halfway into the episode, and we only see her on screen for maybe five minutes - but I'm sure any fan will appreciate those five minutes! Our girl captures the attention (and if I may be so bold, possibly the heart) of Renko (Charles Haid). Not a big surprise there - Meg has been capturing hearts for a long time!
There's not much else to tell - a very short scene very early in her career, but now it's here for all to share. This episode was fun to watch again after all these years - I always did like "HSB" anyway - and it was interesting to see the old gang again as well as to spot several well-known faces in other supporting roles. Enjoy!
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