Ideas to Share  -  Vol. 2:

Cottonwood 13th Ward:

 We started a 3-phase Ward Family History Project (over several years time).   (Counsel with your High Priest Group Leader and Bishopric first before implementing your ideas.)

Phase 1:    To help everyone that would let us, get their 4 generations done on the computer and a personal PAF5 disk made up for their family.  We bought a colored folder with pockets for each family's records and disk.  After getting their PAF as complete as possible from Church and family records, we would finish by doing "update my records" and then do a "Temple Ready" disk on any work they could do.  With their permission, we would keep a copy of their completed disk.  (At the beginning of our project, we gave families  all the completed work and disk; and several misplaced it and we had to start all over again when they later wanted to do more work).   We worked first with those that signed up or came to us--then if we ran out of people to help, we would send a sign-up sheet around again or contact families and ask if we could help them.   We made a poster with the names of the completed families on and posted it in RS and Priesthood from time to time for them to see the progress as we worked through the ward.  That would remind them of the project and usually several would contact us to be next.  We have done over 80 people so far.

Phase 2:    Get PAF 5.2 on the home computers of all families that wanted it and their personal PAF records put on it (hoping they would practice and learn it if they had it at home).  We sent around a sign-up sheet  giving 3 choices of installation if they didn't already have it.    We do those first that have a personal PAF disk done, so that there will be something to put on the installed program.
We made several loaner CD's, put each in a plastic CD case, taping installation instructions to the case.  Then we put that into a small ziploc bag, plus the family's floppy disk with their up-to-date information, and instructions for restoring the floppy into the PAF5 program after they installed it onto their hard drive.    Our typed instructions.

Phase 3:    Have each family obtain their membership number (which will also be on the new Temple Recommends) and their confirmation date and help them get registered on the Church's familysearch site.
Teach them how to use the internet site.

These 3 Phases overlap somewhat.

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Draper FHC:  

  They make up packets ahead for the Leader of an Adult or Youth group that plans a visit to their FHC.  A large envelope containing:   "A Member’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work"  (34697),  "How Do I Start My Family History?" (32916) forms for each group member to fill out ahead of time with their pedigree and family record,  and an explanation sheet for the teacher/leader about the visit and what to teach ahead of time to help make it an effective visit.
Order the booklet and forms free from the online Distribution Center  (no charge for postage & Handling), delivered free to your home.

They have a summer barbeque with all of their family history workers for fun and friendship.

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Family History Callings: 

 When a new Family History Worker is called, often the Priesthood member issuing the call doesn't have enough information about the call to explain it to the person being called.   It would be helpful if the Stake FH Director or Stake FH Consultant or someone "in the know" would provide the Bishopric member or Stake Presidency Counselor (who will be doing the actual calling) a paper describing the calling and what is involved in the way of training, commitment, meetings, etc.   That would  help both the person being called and the Priesthood leader who is issuing the call.

FH Leaders could then call and meet with the new worker to orient and train (some FH Centers give a packet containing helpful booklets, rosters, and other needed information to aid the new worker in getting a good start).

Idea:  Here are some inspirational quotes to choose from--about Callings--that could be given to the new worker by the Priesthood Leader at the time of the call (or be put in the new worker packet for inspiration): 
Quotes about Callings

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Sandy Crescent Ridge FHC: 

  Their stake has called "Family History Missionaries" in each ward  (married couples, or 2 sisters, or 2 priesthood brethren--they go in pairs) to visit each family in the ward by appointment and set up PAF 5.2 on their home computer and teach the families in their own homes on their own computers.  The missionaries keep track of their calls, visits, and lessons given, and turn in the information monthly to their High Priest Group Leader.  He then passes on the information at Ward Council meeting.

The Stake Family History Consultant has been putting short "Family History Tips" in the Sunday Bulletin each week.    (Sounds like a good way to increase knowledge about Family History bit by bit without overwhelming.)

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Canyon View Ward:  

  When a family in the ward has more cards prepared for temple work than they can do and desires help, they turn the cards over to the High Priest Group Leader.  He keeps them in a special loose-leaf binder in clear plastic page compartments---together by type (male baptisms, female baptisms, sealings, male endowments, female endowments, etc.).  Then when people in the ward are going to the temple, they can call him and help do the work for their fellow ward members' families.  He keeps track of the cards until the work is completed; then returns the cards to the family who shared them.

(P. 15 of the  "Members Guide to Temple and Family History Work" suggests only preparing as many names at a time as can be completed within about 2 months.)

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Cards with FHC address, phone #, and hours: 

 Several Centers have printed small cards (similar to business cards) and have them in a holder for patrons.   I checked with our leaders downtown and they said it was okay to do this--just keep them quite plain with just the necessary information on.  Don't use the Church logos.  They said you may get the cards that they use at the FH Library and JS bldg. with the family search website address on----and print your Center's information on the back if you would like.    Cards are nice and small for patrons to carry in their wallet.

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Special Promises for Children Born in the Covenant or Sealed to Parents later:   

 You could print off copies of these comforting promises to have in your FHC.   They offer hope and comfort to those parents suffering over wayward children.   They also show the blessings and power in the Temple Sealings as we strive to help get our families to the Temple (both on this side of the veil and the other side also).

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