Tim Arnold--How I Became a Pinhead, Page 4
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Every summer, our family rented a cabin on a lake
near a resort, with a whole room full of pinballs!  Wow!  Every game is so
different!  There's actually a lot of strategy involved once you get to know a
machine!  (No good brother!  Ranting and fuming even back then!)  Then we moved
to a college town, where pins-mania became full blown!  This place provide all
5 of the basic food groups!!!  Sugar, salt, caffeine, grease, and iron spheres!
(Varsity Pizza)  It got worse very quickly!  I began to hang around shady
places!  Some of the low lifes in these dumps scared even me!  Good thing my
parents were stupid and didn't have a clue!  You gotta be 18 to be in here!
Uh--I'm with my Dad-er cousin! (9000 lb. Nazi biker)  But, the best was al lthe
machines one operator put in unguarded laundry room of apartment houses!!!
Playing fair is fine, but a little hard on the budget.  Hook one cable up to
each leg and turn it on!  (200 amp arc welder)

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