Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1427
Grimme Gate - We stand on the doorstep of complete victory in the The Chalice. May Cuthbert
The storm that had seemingly been held at bay by the tides of war wasted no time in visiting
October 15 1427

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - "The storm that had seemingly been held at bay by the tides of war wasted no time in visiting it's wintry payload upon The Chalice. Hector of Thippus and Alf Romeo wasted no time before reporting the results of the encounter to the Arch Mage Valdimir. The comforts of Danvers' Hall were extended to the young wizard. Though his application to the Consortium was not yet accepted it seems it is only a matter of time. A chance encounter with the fire mage Corintha afforded Alf a new perspective on uses for a Rope Trick.

A brief visit from Lady Rahmel to the wintering camp of Trinity company found yet another gift for the men of Trinity Company. The small cask of wine went a long way toward restoring the men's moral after the heavy losses at Grimme Gate."

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Celeste - "I have received a special assignment which will keep me from my duties as commander for several months. My command is being transferred to Lady Gianna Erico until further notice. It has been an honor serving with you. Oh, Calais Lord Aiden would like to see you tomorrow at noon."

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Corintha - "I do miss the smell of a good leaf tobacco. The young mage wasn't too bad either."

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