Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1427
Grimme Gate - We stand on the doorstep of complete victory in the The Chalice. May Cuthbert
The storm that had seemingly been held at bay by the tides of war wasted no time in visiting
Morning's first light revealed a foot of new snow. Lady Celeste had made arrangements for
October 16 1427

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - Morning's first light revealed a foot of new snow. Lady Celeste had made arrangements for Mouse to be revived from the dead this evening. Father Daniels had agreed to perform the ceremony.

Calais' visit to The Chalice and Lord Aiden reinforced his families nobility. Calais was knighted and introduced to an old friend of the family who served with his grandfather. Manetti Vosh is now serving in the castle defenses as a siege engine designer. Nearing sixty he still fondly recall the mentoring Hellebore senior provided to him.

The leadership of Trinity Company soon reunited at camp. After assigning woodcutting chores to the enlisted men they made their way to the Warsmith Tavern for some well earned rest and relaxation. Greeted by Manetti as previously arranged, Calais and friends wanted the warm confines of the tavern to share in song and remembrance.

An unexpected guest arrived dressed in blue. Lady Celeste Rahmel arrived in a floor length gown and cloak. As the financier of Anso Medera's reunion with his body she arrived early to share stories with her friend and the soldiers of Viletta 3rd Pike. An uncharacteristic moment where she agreed to a glass of "water" in a pub lead her to a rare evening of lucid behavior.

Later at St. Michael's Cathedral Father Daniels conducted the ceremony to have Mouse raised. True to character mouse made the frigid run from the church to the tavern with only a stitch of clothing. The party arrived moments later to find him dancing on the bar and generally "living it up!"

The evening for Sgt. Vittorio and Lady Rahmel was to take a different turn. The brisk walk to the keep started a sobering effect for the inexperienced Celeste.

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Mouse - "Its good to be alive! I vow to never again waste another day. Carpe Diem!"

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Maxmillian - "Knighthood, it seems, measures a man like few commendations. One can no longer hide behind the decisions and ideals of others. You must stand for something and make it no secret. I applaud you your award of rank. Now lets see what you make of yourself. There are enough shield crests on the walls of the great halls that bear no meaning. Let us see with what valor a flower blossoms in winter."

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Corintha - "Its about time we had nome new blood around here. Need a light..."

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Celeste - Let uth attend to our pphallen comrade. That ith the reason I'm here t'night. Whats in this water? Do all pubs smell this way? Where ish my cloak. Can't be late.. Father Daniels keeps a strict calendar. Enzo... Make sure I get home okay, k? Mercy its is cold out...

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Lord Aiden - (Addressing Calais Hellebore) Confer upon you the the rank and title of Knight I do. Your years of training and your noble birth entitle you to this honor. In addition to this conference of rank I extend the title of The Claymore. This high honor is awarded to knight who distinguish themselves in combat infantry action. Your deeds and actions have been instrumental in the recent victory here in The Chalice. I have seen and heard many great things about you and look forward to many to come.

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