Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1427
Grimme Gate - We stand on the doorstep of complete victory in the The Chalice. May Cuthbert
The storm that had seemingly been held at bay by the tides of war wasted no time in visiting
Morning's first light revealed a foot of new snow. Lady Celeste had made arrangements for
Blue skys usher in a new day. The crisp air and new fallen snow have all but wiped away...
October 17 1427

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - Blue sky ushers in a new day. The crisp air and new fallen snow have all but wiped away all signs of battle. The bitter cold is but a harbinger of what is to come.

A stolen moment between two souls has opened a breach in the heavens. Staff Sergeant Vittorio and Lady Celeste Rahmel are brough to the bishops court to answer for charges levied by the Monsignor. After the two submitted their signd confessions both were stripped of all rank and semtensed to be confined for a period of six months. But for the benevilance of the Bishop both would have been pruified by the flame at the Monsignors hand. A disquiet blankets The Chalice as word of the sentencing makes its way outside the halls of Saint Michael's.

The church bell ring out as the sentence is delivered. The tones seem to echo for eternity on the high Florentian alps.

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Lord Aiden - "We must be strong in our faith in times like these. Let this be a lesson that we are all capeable of folley. I have seen much of what is good and evil in this world and I am still strong in my faith and firm in my beliefs. "

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Mouse - "Ooh. My head. Whose pants are these?"

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Celeste - ...

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Alf Romeo - I have examined the items we acquired. He is the list:

  • Redwood Handled battle axe (+2/+4 vs Goblins) This is a dwarven crafted item and it glows softly when goblins come within 30'.
  • Potion of Flying
  • Potion of Extra Healing
  • +3 Mithril Dagger
  • 6 Beads of Force
  • 1 potion of Haste
  • 1 potion of Diminuation
  • Quaal's Feather Token - Tree
  • 16 +1 Arrows
  • Boots of Elvenkind
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