Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1427
Grimme Gate - We stand on the doorstep of complete victory in the The Chalice. May Cuthbert
The storm that had seemingly been held at bay by the tides of war wasted no time in visiting
Morning's first light revealed a foot of new snow. Lady Celeste had made arrangements for
Blue skys usher in a new day. The crisp air and new fallen snow have all but wiped away...
The storm has abated. In its wake a new day dawns. The events of the prior day churned with
October 18 1427

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - The storm has abated. In its wake a new day dawns. The events of the prior day churned with a fury exceeding that of natures winter spell. The bells of St. Michaels seem to ring with discord. Enzo Vittorio finds himself confined to a small dark cell in the bowels of the church. Except for his thoughts he is alone. The torment of what is to come and his six month internment are far heavier than the manacles that root him in his cell.

The young ranger, Skinner, was successfully returned to the safety of The Chalice with only minor frostbite to show for his ordeal.

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Monsignor Sebastian - "Satan made his presence known here in this battlefield of souls. Once again righteousness prevails over the powers of darkness. Let us pray for the salvation of our bother and sister who were tempted by the hand of Satan that they have the power to expel him should they be so challenged again."

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Lady D'Errico - Trinity Company is truely a versitile group. I feared the worst in that storm last night. Lord Calais has a proven himself a solid commander and a compitent scout. I'm sure I will have need of his skills come spring.

The enlisted wizard is a unique individual too. He shows a tremendous loyalty to the member of his company, uncharacteristic of his class. He has a good heart and a keen mind. I hope I can keep him for a while before the consortium pulls him into the fold.

Disturbing news regarding their company commander. I will pray for him.

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Gwynneth - M' Lord, hmm now that seems to roll off the tongue. Calais does not seem to enjoy his new found attention as a result of his being knighted. I can think of no one better suited for the position. He has more honor than many of the paladins that parade themselves around here. I count my self better for knowing him and someday soon others will see what I see.

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