Twilight Game Group
Imperial Calendar 1427
Grimme Gate - We stand on the doorstep of complete victory in the The Chalice. May Cuthbert
The storm that had seemingly been held at bay by the tides of war wasted no time in visiting
Morning's first light revealed a foot of new snow. Lady Celeste had made arrangements for
Blue skys usher in a new day. The crisp air and new fallen snow have all but wiped away...
The storm has abated. In its wake a new day dawns. The events of the prior day churned with
Angst fueled the party to confront the Monsignor regarding the unfair detainment of Enzo
October 19 1427

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Narrator - Angst fueled the party to confront the Monsignor regarding the unfair detainment of Enzo Vittorio. The discussion took on an aspect that flushed the grand inquisitor and he ejected Lord Hellebore and Mr. Romeo from his office with aplomb.

Seeking further vindication Alf Romeo sought the advice of the Arch Mage Valdimir. The discussion was candid, but the content of the discussion yielded no comfort to the young mage.

Lord Hellebore too, found this line of questioning to be without an easy answer during his meeting with Lord Aiden. It seemed that short of insurrection the mater was not open for further discussion at this time. Lord Aiden suggested that Friar Cenzi has authority to meet with the accused and pass a message between the two parties. The friar accepted the task, but Enzo's answer was a bit surprising "Leave me to my punishment".

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Lord Aiden - "The flock holds as much sway over the shepherd's future as does the shepherd to the flock. If you wish to change matters on a large scale you must strive move that within your power and scope. Since we have no congress with the divine turn you focus to the mundane. perhaps there your efforts will have more purchase."

Monsignor Sebastian in his office


Valdimir - "A delicate balance exits here. The Church, the Imperium, and the Consortium all work to benefit one another. Each is dedicated to its cause, making allowances to to other owners in the name of fellowship and good will. Actions that would sunder this relationship are contrary to the benefit of all. I would ask that you stay your hand and consider the broader landscape. What you fell now is but a seed. Nurture that seed until such time as the oak is mature and the fruit is born out. at that time you will better enjoy the fruits of your labor."


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