bart sibrel's top fifteen |
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Nixon was inaugurated as the 37th U.S. president on January 20, 1969. Apollo 8, the first mission to venture through the Van Allen belts Sibrel says are so deadly, was launched on December 21, 1968, a month before Nixon took power. But the designs for the spacecraft and the plans for the mission were finalized long before this time, during Johnson's presidency. Sibrel is going after the wrong president. Nixon, it could be argued, was not very good at cover-up: he got caught. People who are very good at deception don't get caught. The famous Watergate scandal is nothing more than a simple burglary of the type perpetrated on a daily basis by relatively unskilled people in the U.S. Nixon couldn't pull it off or keep it secret. In any case Sibrel has evidently chosen Nixon because of his proven record of concealment and shady dealings, not because Nixon was in a historical position to have had much of an affect on Apollo.
The peculiar C-shaped mark on the rock has been conclusively traced to its source: a fiber contaminant on a particular print of this photo. The original transparency does not contain the mark. The masters do not contain the mark. The prints (save one) do not contain the mark. The mark exists on one print, and one print only.
It is unfortunate that this one print was digitized and as a result became the one most widely circulated. But Sibrel's contention that this photo was retouched to remove supposed evidence of prop markings is completely unfounded. Sibrel is trying to make the observation fit his predetermined conclusion. There is plenty of evidence of other fibrous contamination on the prints. You simply cannot handle and store tens of thousands of photographs without getting specks of dust on a few of them. The effort to clean them when dirty is evidence of preserving the record intact, not evidence of falsifying it.
Sibrel makes a big deal about having discovered "rare footage" and "uncirculated photographs". Everything he cites except for a few clips in his video has been a part of the public record for thirty years. He's trying to impress us with his ability to point and click through NASA web sites. If he were really so resourceful we'd expect him to have discovered the other prints of the C-rock photo -- the ones that have been around for thirty years and don't have the "C" on them.
The astronauts trained with a PLSS (backpack) mockup that simulated what the real PLSS would weigh on the moon. And when they worked with this equipment, a separate van-sized cooling unit was required to provide them with fresh, cool air. The mockup backpacks did not function. They did not contain any actual cooling units, as the real ones would. The real cooling units would only work in a perfect vacuum. Yes, the real backpacks were quite heavy, and also quite useless on earth.
The fluttering flag argument is an old one. Sibrel's "lost footage" isn't any different from the footage we've been seeing since 1969 -- the flag doesn't "blow in the wind", it moves in response to the astronauts' manipulation of the staff.
As a matter of fact the photos most certainly do not show "undisturbed" soil. Up close we can see that directly under the nozzle the soil has been blasted away to reveal the underlying hardpack. Photographs taken from a distance and from orbit show the more subtle effect of the exhaust plume -- a lightening of the soil.
The lunar module was never tested on earth. It couldn't have been. Its engine was too weak to lift the spacecraft against earth gravity, and elements of the lunar module's structure could not support themselves under a full flight load in earth gravity. The only way to test the LM on earth would be to test a heavily modified version of it, which would not be a useful test.
Before anything had landed on the moon there was some concern that the engine would dig a large hole, but this is when scientists believed the moon might be covered by a very thick layer of fluffy dust. But after the Surveyor spacecraft had made several successful landings and proved the solidity of the lunar surface there was no special concern for the Apollo spacecraft.
A complete discussion of this topic is here.
Again, the photos in question are not rare. Nor are they uncirculated. They've been available from NASA and from the Lunar and Planetary Institute since the early 1970s, and online in digital form beginning in the mid 1980s.
Sibrel's examples of "impossible" shadows have been easily
reproduced by photographers taking pictures of sun-cast shadows. The
laws of perspective provide that lines which are truly parallel need
not always appear parallel in photographs.
The Van Allen belts are discussed here.
Sibrel isn't comfortable discussing the details of Van Allen
radiation, but that doesn't stop us. And as a matter of fact, Geminis
10 and 11 entered the Van Allen belts long before Apollo.
If it's raining outside you dress warmly and take an umbrella,
otherwise you dress conveniently. The space shuttle is designed for
low earth orbit. The Apollo command module was designed to pass
through the Van Allen belts. It is a matter of intent. Now it's
important to remember that the Apollo spacecraft went through
the Van Allen belts. That's a single brief exposure -- and one on the
way back. Orbiting within the Van Allen belts exposes the
occupants continuously to radiation. Even if the radiation is less
intense, it's still more dangerous to have a small continuous dose
than to have a single large dose.
Mr. Sibrel neglects to mention what he told the audience of
Coast To Coast AM with George Noory on Jan. 6, 2003 when first
making this claim. See here for details:
Mr. Sibrel has unwittingly admitted that Apollo astronauts likely
did pass through the Van Allen belts!
Further, Mr. Sibrel's film A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to
the Moon says the Van Allen belts start at 1,000 miles, not 400
miles. Which is it?
To put it mildly, this argument is ignorant in the extreme.
Except to call it an argument would be a compliment. It's mostly
Mr. Sibrel horse-laughing.
First, Mr. Sibrel is a video cameraman by profession. His opinion
of what makes a spaceworthy vehicle is irrelevant unless he can show
where he took night courses in aeronautical engineering. Qualified
engineers don't have a problem accepting the lunar module as a
probable device. In fact, NASA and Grumman both publish very detailed
specifications on the lunar module to allow anyone with the technical
expertise to verify its operation.
To argue that the lunar module should have needed one-sixth the
fuel of the space shuttle is to completely misunderstand how fuel
requirements for space vehicles work.
First, the lunar module and the space shuttle use entirely
different kinds of fuel. The shuttle's fuel is cryogenic -- gas
compressed into a liquid form to take up less space. (The mass
remains the same, however.) The lunar module's fuel is naturally a
liquid at room temperature. For example, the helium tank at the party
store looks like it contains only a few gallons. But it will fill up
several thousand ballons amounting to a huge volume. Cryogenic rocket
fuel is compressed even more densely than party helium.
Second, the space shuttle weighs more. The orbiter alone in earth
gravity weighs approximately 200,000 lbs (91,000 kg). The lunar
module ascent stage -- with astronauts -- weighs only about 2,000 lbs
(910 kg) in lunar gravity. That's a hundred-fold difference in
weight. (Not in mass, however.) Lifting the massive space shuttle
out of Earth's gravity requires considerably more fuel than lifting
the less massive lunar module out of lesser gravity; Sibrel has
accounted for only one of the factors and assumed that the same amount
of fuel is required to get to any orbit.
Third, there isn't a such a simple relationship between the fuel
requirement and payload mass. Let's say you have a payload with a
mass of 1,000 kg. You add 10 kilograms to it. That means you have to
supply the rocket with more fuel to get that heavier payload to a
given altitude. But wait! The fuel you just added is more
mass in the vehicle that has to be lifted to orbit. So you have to
add more fuel to lift the fuel you added to lift the heavier payload.
So it's not true that adding 10% to the payload simply requires 10%
more fuel. Adding 10 kg of mass to the payload can easily require 200
kg or more in additional fuel.
Fourth, the earth has an atmosphere. The space shuttle has to
push upward through that atmosphere, which requires extra force to
overcome the atmospheric drag. And that drag is considerable: it
increases according to the square of the velocity. That force
has to come from extra fuel. If there's no atmospheric drag, there's
no need to provide fuel to overcome it.
The atmosphere also provides an additional impediment. In order
to orbit the earth, you have to get outside the atmosphere.
Theoretically you could orbit the earth at an altitude of 60 miles (96
km), but there's still air there, and at the speed you would need to
travel at to maintain orbit, the atmospheric drag would be enough to
slow you down very quickly. So the space shuttle must orbit at
altitudes nearing 150 miles (240 km) where the air is thin enough to be
negligible for a few weeks. But the moon has no air. You can orbit
the moon at a much lower altitude -- just high enough to clear the
mountains. Lower altitude means less fuel.
This is suspiciously like Ralph Rene's estimate. Either way, it
reveals a mind-boggling ignorance of thermodynamics.
Objects in the sun will definitely heat up, and without an
atmosphere to help draw away the heat, the typical object will heat up
more in a vacuum -- on its sunny side.
Any object placed in the sun will be half lit and half shaded.
Unless the object is very small -- say a quarter-inch (half a
centimeter) in size -- the temperature won't be the same all over its
surface, or even inside of it. The sunny side will be much hotter
than the shady side. This is easy to determine even on earth. Thus
to say that the "landing module" would reach one temperature all over
is amusingly naive.
Since Mr. Sibrel doesn't tell us how he arrived at his figure, we
can't tell whether his claim is defensible or not. But if he's
cribbing from Rene, as we suspect, then we can find lots of fault with
Rene just guesses at the all-important values for emissivity and
absorptivity. In a naive interpretation of Kirchhoff's Law, he uses
the same number for both and assumes this totally fabricated (by his
own admission) number is the same for all the materials used in the
The other extremely important factor in radiant heat transfer is
the angle with which light strikes the surface. Light that strikes
perpendicular transmits maximum energy, which light that strikes at a
sharp angle transmits very little. Rene doesn't even talk about this
in his computation. In practice, radiant heat transfer analysis is
done by creating a geometric model in a computer and iterating the
heat transfer to account for these angles and interreflection. This
was actually done in the 1960s for the lunar module. Rene simply
solves one equation once and believes this is a suitable estimate.
And so, apparently, does Mr. Sibrel. In fact, anyone with any
understanding of heat transfer just shakes his head in amazement at
the incredibly wrong pseudoscience behind this argument.
Again Mr. Sibrel, the video cameraman, professes to be able to
judge the stability and spaceworthiness of a vehicle simply by looking
at pictures of it.
As we discuss here, the lunar module
is actually a very inherently stable design. Mr. Sibrel's
opinion is based on uninformed inspection. An analysis according to
basic principles of physics confirms the stability of the craft.
Mr. Sibrel gives no argument to support his assertion that the
lunar module had a high center of gravity. In fact, in both the
ascent and descent stages, the fuel tanks (the heaviest parts) are as
low as possible in the chassis. This is a great improvement
over cylindrical rocket boosters whose shape is dictated by
Similarly there is no support for his argument of "one big thrust"
engine at the bottom. Which is to say, there is certainly one main
engine in both the ascent and descent stages, but in neither case is
it simply attached to the bottom. In both the ascent and descent
stages it is actually raised as high as possible in the structure.
The descent motor is actually up inside the descent stage. And it
could be gimbaled.
As a matter of physical analysis, the lunar module design is
considerably more stable than a typical booster even today.
Mr. Sibrel's assertion otherwise is wishful thinking.
As we note here, the LLRV piloted by
Neil Armstrong crashed in May 1968, not "three weeks" before the lunar
landing in July 1969. It crashed not because it was unstable, but
because it broke.
Here is the relevant part of the transcript:
ALDRIN: The first part of your question, the surface did
vary in its thickness of penetration somewhere in flat regions. [...]
ARMSTRONG: We were never able to see stars from the lunar
surface or on the daylight side of the Moon by eye without looking
through the optics [i.e., the lunar module's navigation telescope]. I
don't recall during the period of time that we were photographing the
solar corona what stars we could see.
ALDRIN [actually Collins]: I don't remember seeing any.
(The First Lunar Landing As Told By The
Astronauts: Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins in a Post-flight Press
Conference, NASA EP-73, 1989 pt. VI)
The moon is 250,000
miles away. The space shuttle has never gone more than 400 miles from
the Earth. Except for Apollo astronauts, no humans even claim to have
gone beyond low-earth orbit. When the space shuttle astronauts did
get to an altitude of 400 miles, the radiation of the Van Allen belts
forced them to a lower altitude. The Van Allen radiation belts exist
because the Earth's magnetic field traps the solar wind.
The top portion of the
lunar module which landed on the moon supposedly popped up off the
moon with two astronauts aboard, entered lunar orbit 60 miles up, and
docked with the command module in lunar orbit. To look at its design
and think such could have actually occurred is absolutely ludicrous.
The fuel tanks were nowhere near one-sixth the size of those on the
space shuttle as one would expect to achieve lunar orbit.
The surface of the moon
is a vacuum. The landing module would have been heated to 250 degrees
F on the light side where they landed. There is no way they could
have rejected the heat for as long as 72 hours as they claim on some
Apollo missions. How long do you think you could keep your car cool
on a hot day running off battery power?
Take a look at the lunar
module which supposedly flew from lunar orbit to the surface of the
moon. It is a cylindrical shape with a high center of gravity and one
big thrust engine at the bottom. Upon just looking at this design, to
think it would not immediately pinwheel and and crash, as the lunar
module trainer did three weeks prior on earth, is
After the Apollo 11
mission, Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin gave a press conference. When
asked whether they remembered seeing any stars from the surface of the
moon, Collins, who was supposedly in the command module the whole
time, gave a wrong answer to a question he should not have been
answering. The relevant portion of the clip is in my documentary;
viewing it with an understanding of the circumstances makes it clear
they were were lying about having traveled to the moon. I'm saying
Collins blew it right then and there and I honestly cannot understand
why there is even further discussion on the whole topic. Furthermore,
if you obtain a written transcript of the press conference you'll see
that the comment is erroneously attributed to Aldrin. Honest mistake
or cover-up?
QUERY: I have two brief questions that I would like to ask, if
I may. When you were carrying out that incredible Moon walk, did you
find that the surface was equally firm everywhere or were there harder
and softer spots that you could detect? And secondly, when you looked
up at the sky, could you actually see the stars in the solar corona in
spite of the glare?
Collins' response is a followup to Armstrong's reference to solar corona photography (Fig. 3) which had been taken from the command module during the translunar coast, in which all three astronauts participated. (Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report NASA SP-214, 1969, p. 39). The reporter's question is a bit confusing since the solar corona cannot be seen from the lunar surface except when the earth eclipses the sun. Or, of course, from a spaceship positioned such that the earth is between the spaceship and the sun. Apollo 11's course provided just such an opportunity. It appears Neil Armstrong interpreted the reporter's phrase "solar corona" to refer to this data.
"Entire Apollo program in shambles" is quite an exaggeration. The Thompson commission (NASA) and the Senate and House committees did not investigate the whole program. They concentrated on problems with the Apollo command module. However, all agree that the program was proceeding an at unsafe speed.
The Apollo 1 fire occurred during a test. Investigators found that while NASA had taken adequate precautions against fire for the actual flight, they had not paid enough attention to the test conditions, which were quite hazardous. They made assumptions that were not defensible in hindsight. So many of the corrections were simply changes in test procedure. The flight procedures were still safe.
When Apollo flights resumed, they were in the next-generation of spacecraft that were already under construction at the time of the fire and which had already incorporated improvements. Revisions that were suggested by the review committees (simplified doors, safer oxygen atmosphere, etc.) were added to these designs.
NASA told its contractors to move all the fire-related corrections to the top of the priority list. No extraneous work would be done until the design changes were implemented to make the spacecraft safe from fire.
Mr. Sibrel doesn't have any special training or understanding of spacecraft design and construction, so his opinion that two years is not long enough to correct Apollo 1's problems is not especially valuable. This is perhaps why he must exaggerate the scope and gravity of the findings of the various investigative boards. He must make the problems seem very serious and widespread so that the short recovery period is suspicious.
Mr. Sibrel has no actual evidence that the Apollo spacecraft stayed in low earth orbit the whole time, nor can he explain how it was able to go for two weeks without being spotted in the night sky. It would have been the brightest object in the sky next to the moon and Venus. And it would have been moving so fast that it would have transited the night sky in about three minutes. Bright, fast-moving objects in the sky attract attention. Mr. Sibrel argue that billions of people over six missions lasting more than a week each failed to see it.
What Mr. Sibrel supplies is footage of the astronauts practicing for an upcoming telecast. Because television was added at the last minute, they hadn't had time to practice much with the equipment. So they were experimenting with different camera positions and exposure settings. Someone on the ground recorded it. Mr. Sibrel notes several observations which he can't explain in terms of his expectations, therefore he concludes the astronauts "must" have been faking it. That's it. That's his "smoking gun."
And it's not true that you can only see the footage by ordering Mr. Sibrel's video. It is available -- unedited and without Mr. Sibrel's "interpretive" voice-over -- on the Apollo 11 DVD set from Spacecraft Films. Mr. Sibrel allows you to see only bits and pieces of this evidence which he considers so important.