Tim Arnold--How I Became a Pinhead, Page 9
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But what REALLY bugs me are all these SQUEEKY CLEAN
mall arcades!!!  Sorry sir, no smoking, food, drink, cussing, breathing, or
UNPURE THOUGHTS!  (-bonk-) (Face Invaders)  How can you tell if someone you
know is a PINBALL JUNKIE?  Try this simple test!  Put both a QUARTER and a
DOLLAR down on the ground!  Hot Dang!  Looks like this is my LUCKY DAY!!!  If
he goes for the quarter, it's too late!  Superman's pal, Jimmy Olsen was a
pinhead!  So was Dick Tracy!  Those were really tiny wrist pinballs!  (NOT a 2
way radio!)  (Secret 5 ball signal watch!)

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