- Advocacy
- Assistive Technology
- Community Integration
- Deaf IL Expansion
- Education Enhancement
- Housing
- IL Skills
- Loan Bank
- Nursing Home Transition
- Outreach Program
Independent Living Skills
Contact the IL Skills Program:
Phone: 801-466-5565 ext.205
Phone: 801-466-5565 206
Provides skills training to enhance the independence of adults with disabilities in their homes, families, and communities.
The program provides classes in cooking, assertiveness, relationships, financial management, adjustment to disability, and others as consumer needs dictate.
Persons with disabilities can also get help finding accessible housing, receive peer support, and work individually with staff.
One-on-one IL Skills and Advocacy is available. Please contact Shauna or Julie for more information.
October 2013 UILC Event Calendar
For the current calendar in PDF form (printable), CLICK HERE.
Before attending any group, class, or outing you must meet with an UILC staff member.
UILC does not automatically provide transportation. For information on UILC transportation, flextrans, and the mainline bus and trax routes, please contact UILC staff. Transportation on the UILC Van for all classes and outings is available for people without other transportation options on a first come, first serve basis.
Classes and outings are subject to change without notice.
Contact Carole Peck for information on the Deaf Expansion Program, including times and dates for the monthly Deaf Expansion Cooking Class. 801-466-5565 (TTY)
For information on Life Skills Training in Tooele, please call Angie at 435-843-7353.
For information on Life Skills Training in Summit County, please call Deserae at 801-466-5565.
Independent Living Skills Classes
Friday Discussion Group
This peer group sets their own agenda for each month. Discussions range from Medicaid and Medicare to getting a better understanding of loans and tax structure. Current events are often discussed, as are popular media topics. An interpreter is provided for deaf consumers.
Friday 10:30-12:00
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Express Yourself Through Writing
This writing class strives to help consumers express feelings in a more realized way, while also assisting with writing and public speaking skills. Taught by local poet Sandy Andersen, and supported by Art Access, this long running class is open to any interested consumers. If you are in need of a scribe or any assistance with writing, staff are available to help.
Monday 10:30-12:00
Assigned Staff: Tiffany Montoya
Advocacy and Disability Culture
Participants in this group learn about the history of disability culture and the disability movement within the United States, discuss media and pop culture perception of disability, and learn self and social advocacy skills. The class actively participates in the legislative session and social justice projects throughout the course of the year.
Wednesday 10:30-12:00
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Job Skills
Often paired with the Getting into College class, the Job Skills class discusses how to write cover letters and resumes, teaches interviewing skills, and answers questions about applying for jobs and how to navigate agencies such as Vocational Rehab.
Usually held in the winter.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Getting into College
Often paired with the Job Skills class, Getting into College discusses whether higher education is necessary for certain jobs, explains the process of getting an education after high school, and explores what agencies, like the Disability Resource Centers and Vocations Rehab, can do for consurmers.
Usually held in the winter.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Reading Skills
This class works to combine one-on-one skill building with some group activities designed to increase the consumer's reading comprehension.
Usually held in the winter.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Please note: one-on-one reading skill assistance is available. Contact Julie Beckstead or Shauna Brock for more information. We also encourage consumers to use the Literacy Action Center, located at 3595 South Main Street. 801-265-9081
Bus/Trax Training
Consumers choose specific places they want to learn how to reach by bus or trax and the group works to plot the route and goes together to each location.
Usually held in the Spring and Fall.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Please note: one-on-one bus training is available. Contact Julie Beckstead or Shauna Brock for more information.
Held two to three times per year, the cooking class works with consumers to understand basic cooking skills, healthy choices in cooking, and safety in the kitchen.
Usually held in the Spring and Fall.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Please note: one-on-one cooking classes are available. Contact Julie Beckstead or Shauna Brock for more information.
Adjusting to Disability Peer Support Group
This peer group works to help people with all disabilities adjust to a more independent life in the community. The group discusses stress reduction techniques, personal issues, financial concerns, and more all in a safe and confidential environment.
Tuesday 10:30-12:00
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Please note: one-on-one cooking classes are available. Contact Julie Beckstead or Shauna Brock for more information.
Healthy Relationships
Frank discussion of what consitiutes healthy relationships in personal and professional instances. ONe clas is devoted to a discussion of healthy sexuality and sexual practices.
Usually held in the Spring.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Disaster Preparedness/Safety in the Community
Class topics range from long-term planning in case of a natural disaster to understanding what it means to be safe in the community on a daily basis.
Usually held once a uear in the Spring or Fall.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Consumers utilize the summer months to learn about UILC's garden and to plant and care for their own herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Consumers are able to take their plant projects home.
Usually held in Junes and July.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
This class works to combine one-on-one budgeting skill building with some group activities designed to increase the consumer's financial comprehension.
Usually held in the Fall.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Home Organization
This class works to combine one-on-one organizational skill building with some group activities designed to increase the consumer's comprehension of home organization and planning.
Usually held in the Spring or Summer.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock
Guest Speakers
Sometimes held in conjunction with Advocacy and Disability Culture or the Friday Discussion Group, This class brings in guest speakers from different non-profit agencies around the valley in order to better educate consumers on what services are available.
Usually held in the Spring or Summer.
Assigned Staff: Shauna Brock