Mr. Pinball Repair Tip Archive
Backglass Tips
Backglass lockbar can scratch your glass
Backglass preservation options
Backglass preservation using mylar
Backglass protection while shipping
Backglass restoration reference
Backglass touchup bleeding
Bright lamps in flaked areas of backglass
Cheap Glass Cleaner
Cleaning backglass problems
Cleaning Catlin backglass animation balls
Color matching comparisons
Color mixing guide
Dim lamps
Extending scoring reel life
Fixing flaked paint on backglass
Flashing lights
How to clean the back side of the backglass
Long lasting lamps
Loose and rattling backglass
Overheating lamp cause
Preventing translites from adhering to glass
Protect your Bally backglass from further damage
Protect your paper scoring reels
Reasons for backglass peeling
Removing Backglass without lift channel
Repair of white scoring reel mask
Restoring Gottlieb System 1 blue-green display filters
Score Window Masking for Backglass coating
Sealing a backglass
Shipping backglasses
Shortage of bulbs
Stopping flaking paint
Storing backglasses
Strange little faded squares
Testing gas plasma displays and boards technique
Tin foil away touch ups, so light bulbs stay in!
Translite Touch-Up
Use cooler lamps
Williams paper dummy reel sticker--How to make your own
Tip Archive
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